My name is Roger and I started receiving care at LifeForce Family Chiropractic (LFFC) in 2007; 12 years ago! I first came to get care at LFFC because I wanted to decrease my neck/back pain and increase the function of my body to improve my headaches, lack of sleep, and sinus problems. LFFC has truly changed my life for the better because since starting my care plan, I have been able to eliminate all my symptoms and any OTC drugs I was taking to mask the symptoms! I currently drive 2 hours round trip each week to maintain the progress I’ve made and to prevent any future illness or disease in my body. Thank you to everyone at LFFC, I will be forever grateful for what you’ve done for me! LFFC Comments: We want to honor Roger this month because he has not only been dedicated for the last 12 years, but it is uncommon for a male to be dedicated to his health and see the value of prevention based care! This gentleman drives 2 hours round-trip, not to TREAT symptoms, but to PREVENT symptoms; that is unique and uncommon in today’s world. Also, Roger has referred in his wife, children, and friends, and promotes LFFC to anyone that is subluxated, which is all of us. One of Dr. Lofton’s favorite things is that Roger rings the WOW BELL every time he gets adjusted, and we appreciate hearing the Wow Bell ring after a neurological reset! We are blessed to serve him and hope that the principles Dr. Lofton is teaching him will pay huge dividends in the future as it already has the last 12 years!
I started corrective care at LifeForce Family Chiropractic in the fall of 2011. LFFC Comments: Sheri is very dedicated to following Dr. Lofton’s recommendations and does not miss her weekly reset to her nervous system and spine. She has been dedicated for 5 years! She has experienced 80-100% improvement of fatigue and decreased energy. She also teaches her patients that are suffering from health related issues that they need to be INTERFENCE free and should check out LFFC! We are thankful for her dedication and referrals.
My name is John and I started coming to Lifeforce Family Chiropractic in January 2017. I came as a referral from someone that I consider family, I call her “Mum.” When I first came to LFFC, I was suffering from anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, trouble sleeping, claustrophobia, lack of self-confidence, lack of self-esteem, and PTSD from traumatic events in my early childhood. As you can see, my life was quite the wreck. I was desperate and hopeful for change. Mum talked so highly of this place and I trust Mum with my heart and soul, so I figured that there would be no hurt that could come of it. On my first day I was a little hesitant because I don’t trust people easily. But I there was something about the staff, the overall joy that people exhibited on their faces and the idea that God created our bodies to communicate effectively and if that didn’t work, then nothing works. I was surprised as I spoke with Dr. Lofton and many of the staff with little to no reluctance, spewing out a synopsis of what I was going through. Within the first two or three treatments, I had a two repeated full night’s sleep for the first time in at least 10 years. Within the first two weeks, I had overcome my fear of claustrophobia, my anxiety was diminishing and my depression and fear of the unknown were almost at a 0. I love coming here and when I do I feel such a physical and emotional release, I walk away every single time with tears welling up on my eyes nearly because of how great I feel. I am still working on obtaining a “rock star” diet and that will take time. I just can’t thank LFFC enough for being a conduit of all Gods intended blessings! John Vetsch 2017
Without a doubt, the Chiropractic neurological adjustments I have been receiving from the Doctors of Life Force Family Chiropractic have changed my life. Whether it’s the noticeable bounce in my step or the bigger smile I carry on my face, I attribute my overall attitude change and feeling of wellness to this office. Each time I enter their door I am able to make a list of any issues I would currently be having. Before I leave their office, my issues have been resolved. For two, full months and counting I have been without the medications of Humira and Methotrexate. From each session I depart, I continue to be amazed that my body has stopped craving for these expensive medicines. Thank you for blessing me each time I visit. I look forward to the continuation of feeling well and keeping a positive state of mind. Margaret L Orberle
This is Joe L. Prior to coming to becoming a dedicated member to LFFC in March of 2011, he was having pain while doing simple things like walking, running, and bending down to tie his shoes. Running a marathon was a goal, but not even something to consider at that point. By God's grace and Joe's persistence he qualified for the Boston Marathon. Dr. Lofton promised he would travel with him if he made it and that is exactly what happened! Congratulations to Joe for not only qualifying for the Boston Marathon, but going and completing it!
Louis A., Sioux Falls, South Dakota 09/24/15 Comment: Finally, a way to improve my health by working on my nerve supply!
Cela A., Saint Paul, MN 06/17/2015
Rick S-(6/4/14) After rotators cuff surgery The doctors and physical therapist were surprised to see me healing two months ahead of where they thought I should be. Through my healing process I was doing my weekly adjustments and did 12 Auriculotherapy appointments. I praise the Lord for the healing the has done in my body.
Jacqueline M- (6-4-14) 80% of pain gone after one adjustment! Now after 5 adjustments 98% pain gone. No more Advil, nor more waking up from pain. Thank you Dr. Lofton and Staff. Thank God.
Tyson P -( 6/5/14) I've suffered from allergies my whole life and was on allergy medications. Since starting with Dr. Lofton I am no longer on medications and the pollen outside doesn’t bother me. I have even adjusted to living inside with a dog. The change has been amazing.
Nate M-( 5/28/14) After getting a tetanus shot I experienced pain and numbness on my right side from head to toe. The next week I went to see Dr. Lofton, after one adjustment I got feeling back in my hands and feet. All my pain was gone within a half hour. I learned not to get shots. My whole life I have allergic reactions in the spring. It was itchy read rash and it lasted for 2 weeks. This year there was not reaction because of my adjustments after 51 years of life! I have been coming for 2 years and drive from Mankato 1-2 times a week.
Thomas H-(5/20/14) I've had a migraine all day, forcing me into bed. After my adjustment, my headache was almost gone. Thank you Doctor Lofton.
Larry S-(3/20/14) I had High blood pressure and was on medications after I started seeing Dr. Lofton and getting adjusted my blood pressure was down and I got off my medications. I believe it was because of Dr. Loftons neurological adjustments that I was able to get off my medications. Praise God for His grace and goodness! My name is Dan Johnson. My wife, Becky, and I have been blessed with 3 gifts from God (McKenzie 5, Lincoln 2, Trey 1). In June, 2013 the Lord moved my family from Twin Falls, ID where we had been pastoring for 8 years to Owatonna, MN. Very soon we began to be treated at LifeForce due to the testimony of victory by my sister. During this time I began to work the “night shift” at a security job 50 hours each week while I pursued a Master’s degree in pastoral studies. The combination of an irregular sleep pattern, as well as poor nutrition, caused my weight to quickly balloon. I gained over 20 pounds in approximately 3 months. During an adjustment I asked Dr. Lofton if he had any suggestions concerning my weight gain. Did he ever! I soon began the “Biblical Weight Loss Program” per his suggestion. I confess that while I was excited to lose weight and be healthier I was not too excited about being limited to pulse for 5 weeks’ time. I figured that I would constantly feel unfilled and dissatisfied. I was soon proved wrong. The first four days were not a pleasant experience. My body went through a detox period in which my body adjusted and my nutritional bad habits were broken. I fought a battle of wills trying to decide if this trek was worth it. God provided the victory! I soon began to feel better than ever as life returned to my body. I can honestly say that the final 31 days were enjoyable and a blessing. Overall, I was blessed to shed 28 pounds from my frame. At the time of writing it has been over a month since I completed the program and I have not gained any of the weight back. I believe this to be a combination of a continued discipline of eating more fruits and vegetables as well as the fact that I lost body fat and not water or muscle. -Dan J
Dr. Lofton thank you for all you do at Lifeforce Family Chiropractic! Specifically, I'm entirely grateful not too mention a bit amazed from my recent visits. I came in on a Monday after throwing my back out over the weekend. I didn't fall, lift or move anything too large, it was just a fluke incident that literally threw my back out. It felt very weak and was painful to even walk. Getting in and out of the car would send a shooting pain. Dr. Lofton mentioned to hang in there and he'd find the cause. After the first adjustment, I could already move slightly better. After second adjustment on a Wednesday, the pain radiated to my hip and I had only winces of pain in my back. I had a friend ask me if I was going to get an MRI. I knew something was working as the pain referred to another area. So, I informed her of tis practice and that I was going to stick it out for awhile before or even if I sought a medical doctor. Fortunately, all the pain was gradually deteriorating day by day. Praise the LORD that I did not go the MRI route as GOD was already working through this clinic to heal my mysterious pain. I'm so grateful for the work The Great Physician has done! By the third visit, Dr. Lofton asked how I was feeling and I said 98% better-simply astounding! Within two weeks, I was back to" normal" and I had a great testimony to tell my friend." Susan S
When I started coming to LifeForce I had all kinds of symptoms. I had severe headaches, low back pain, elbow pain, numbness in my face and legs, dizziness, loss of appetite and irregular bowel movements. Over the course of the first month my headaches were down to a minimum and my low back pain had been completely irradicated, all of the other symptoms had improved and things continued to improve every day! Because of Dr. Lofton my overall quality of life has been so much better. I am excited to see what the coming months have to offer!
Thank you Dr. Lofton!
David M.
Thank you for being so understanding of our situation. For the work it takes to coordinate something like this, we would under almost any other circumstance adjust. I hope you know that. We prayed after you called that God would work the pieces in the way He desires. It's amazing to see your servant-heart and your desire to bless others. Our family is so grateful for the care you've given us this past year. I was just thinking about this when we drove home last Thursday. A year ago, I wasn't so sure where life was going for me. Although I never doubted that I was His and that He was in control of things, but with all the events going on in our lives, I wasn't doing well juggling everything physically, emotionally, and mentally. In looking back, how I praise God that my faith only increased through all that was going on. God was unbelievably faithful, His presence and power were evidence in my life in my utter weakness, His protection and provision in so many ways was seeing daily as we trusted Him to make our path straight. Little did I know, that His Spirit would lead Dan to your website, then confirm our going by talking to Pastor Tom, provide financially in a totally unexpected way in order for us to receive your care, and last but not least to reap the amazing blessing of God's healing touch through you His servant. We are grateful for the knowledge we have gained, for the results in our lives, and for the Christian blessing we receive from your staff and you. You are leading well and God is using you to show the world what servant hood is, what being a man of integrity looks like, and what it means to run a Christian practice. The examples of these pieces being lived out by a whole staff these days are rare. Through all the changes this past year in your practice specifically people leaving and new people coming, it has been a real testimony to watch. How you must praise God for Laura. Her godly character is so evident. Dan & Inez
I am grateful to the Lord for His answer to prayer for healing of my various afflictions. After my first evaluation late Oct. 2011, I began treatment Nov1 and was askte to trust the TRT process for healing of my allergies. I met with my family physician to discuss Dr. Lofton's recommendation. At this time, early November, I was receiving 2 allergy shots per week, on Proventil, prn for asthma and was in my 6th month with this process. Again prayer helped me decide to discontinue allergy shots on Nov. 4th. My family Dr. reluctanly agreed after I shared my faith and information about the TRT process. I am now walking outdoors without use of my inhaler or allergy medication- and less frequently sneezing, runny eys, and blurred vision or experience heavy breathing and wheezing/coughing. So I'm much better and enjoying my walks and new apartment that previously contributed to asthma/allergies. Betty O. 5/22/12 |
The Situation that brought me to LFFC began 20 years ago, when I was prescribed a statin drug to control my cholesterol. After 14 years and a couple of dose increases, I complained of pain in my thighs, in the tendon areas. I was told not to worry; it was probably just a strain, but the pain persisted and got a lot worse even when the brand of statin was changed. I had 16 years of statins behind me and I could hardly get around. So I quit. After 2 years I was moving better, but the pain was still there. At that time, the doctor suggested a new super-combo drug to hold in check the cholesterol count that had climbed. I took the new "super drug" for 1 month. The pain came back with avengence and put me down so bad, I could hardly move at all so i quit using it. My husband had to help me with nearly everything, getting out of bed, moving around the house, doing house hold things, etc. We researched for anything that might help and found little. We decided to try a standard chiropractor. He could temporairly releace the symptoms and ease the pain. He showed my husband how to do what he was doing; same results. The chiropractor connected me with an imaging place to have x-rays and a MRI. Their recommendations was hip replacement. I said "No way, there has to be something else, my hip didn't hurt." A friend and patient to LifeForce told me of her experience. I said it is worth a try. To date I've had two weeks of treatment and I'm walking and moving better than I have in the past two years. I am eagerly awaiting future progress. Cynthis T. 5/5/12
I have had pain in my hips for years. There always hurting, never any relief. I had learned to just live with it. My friend told me about LifeForce Family Chiropractic and I decided to try it out, worth a shot right? Doctors had no answers for me so I was willing to try anything, I came in for my first adjustment and right away I felt better. My hips had no pain in them! I was amazed. They get better everytime I get an adjustment. Praise the Lord! I am so blessed to have heard about LifeForce Family Chiropractic. Amy H. 8/23/12 |
I came here and before I came I had mono and headaches. Now I have been coming here and I feel a lot better and I'm blessed to have been able to come to LifeForce even if it was only a short time. I'm from New York, and I am only had a few days here but they did really help me in that time. Falyn R. 8/16/12
When I heard about LifeForce Family Chiropractic from a close friend, I thought this was too good to be true! When I came in for my first x-rays and exam I had been suffering in pain for many years from major back pain, arthritis, and my doctor added fibromyalgia to my list. I have also been struggling with depression for about 20 plus years. My friend is a true friend indeed to talk me into coming because after a few weeks my depression was lifting greatly. I also can feel my body changing to the point that I do not need any of the medications my doctor was giving me!! Dr. Lofton has been wonderful with God's Blessings he is making my life much more worth living or should I say easier to live it. Now I can keep up with my grandchildren and my family tells me they can see a difference in me. Everyone has been great to this family, thank you so much and thank you God for bringing them into my life!!! I'm positive the future will be even brighter!! Cynthia B. 8/27/12
For over three years I had allergies and asthma with cough, stuffy nose, sneezing, and shortness of breath almost every day. Doctors were not able to help me and when I heard about LifeForce Family Chiropractic treatment I had nothing to lose and I decided to try it. Two weeks after beginning the treatment all of my allergies and asthma symptoms went away, and I was able to sit outside on the deck. I was trying to follow all directions about life style, eating the right food, and drinking only good water. I started to walk outside and now after 6 weeks I am walking 2 hours everyday without getting tired. My energy level has increased. Today I can do a lot of things I have not been able to do for a while around the house. Thank you for all LifeForce family team. God Bless you and all of your practice members. Irina 9-26-12
I've had chronic throat infections for the last 15-20 years. Generally it takes several weeks to get over them and I'm often knocked out by them for several days at a time. I recently had another throat infection and came to Dr. Lofton feeling pretty rotten. In addition to my normal adjustment, he gave me an additional adjustment and prayed for me. By the next day, I was feeling almost completely better. In my long history of thoat problems, this has never happened. These things are almost always multi-week ordeals. Praise God!! T.J. R. 7-3-12 |
Within seconds after my first adjustment, I felt my right foot which had been numb since my car accident in May 2012, I felt a warm tingling of feeling down my leg. The pinching feeling in my low back was gone with a tingling feeling at first followed by feeling. This is amazing because after my accident I had to a regular chiropractor for my injuries for 3 months, at 3 times a week. I am coming from Mankato, which is 60 miles on way, to LifeForce Family Chiropractic. Michelle M. 9-4-12 |
We decided to bring our son Malakai in because we have been educated so much on the care of neurological chiropractic care. Learning that it is not just to fix problems, but to prevent problems. He is healthy, so we want to keep him that way. Marcus and Lindsay M (For Malakai) 12-5-12 |
Monday, Feb. 6, 2012 was my 1st adjustment. I am very flexiable and was cracking my neck and back by myself several times a day. After my first adjustment, I had forgotten that I had neck pain. I did not crack my neck on my own for 2 days. I lasted until Wednesday morning, which was day 2 for an adjustment. I know when I adjusted myself I did more harm then good. Meghan F. 2-8-12 |
I am 20 years old and have gotten headaches almost everyday since I was 11 years old. I started in April/May here at LifeForce Family Chiropractic, at first I was frustrated because I hadn't seen any improvements. Now about 2 months in, I finally haven't had a headache in almost 3 weeks, it's AMAZING!!! I now don't have to take tylenol every single day. Cheyenne P. 6/27/12 |
I have been coming to LifeForce Family Chiropractic for 4 months and have seen significant improvements physically. Initially, I was having wrist pain, headaches at least once a week, lower back pain, heel pain, neck pain and upper back pain, as well as unrestful sleep. After just 12 visits, I no longer had wrist pain, heel pain, very little upper back pain and lower back pain Headaches are only about once a month! Additionally, I can feel my neck pain being less and less. Thank you! Vinessa C. 9/31/10 |
Tyler has been doing GREAT ! He has not been sick and his health has been awesome . Melissa and Tyler K. 10/29/07 |
I am writing this to thank you all for the wonderful support and care that you have provided me during my visits at LFFC.I have truly grown to love and appreciate your ministry and the difference you are making in so many lives and your desire to further the Lord's Kingdom. Everything has been done with such excellence, and I know that you will continue to make a difference in the lives of the people you serve. I have been blessed by my time there and I will continue to pray for your ministry and outreach opportunities. May the Lord continue to guide, bless and equip each of you as you serve Him faithfully for His glory! Because of Him Twila H. |
I found LifeForce while attending the Life Light concert/festival in Sioux Falls. I had been suffering from debilitating low back pain for over a year. It was affecting all aspects of my life: daily work, home, everything. After 3 medical professionals couldn’t help me determine the cause or relieve the pain, I gave up hope. Actually, my kids should get the credit for finding LifeForce as they literally pulled me over to the booth and told me that I needed to check this out. I didn’t want to, it was hot and crowded and honestly, I didn’t believe anyone could help me. But my kids insisted so I worked my way up to the booth. I had my neck scanned and they showed me the results. I spoke with Dr. Lofton about my back pain and that no one could tell me what was wrong. Dr. Lofton told me he would tell me what is wrong with my back, so I signed up for the full scan. LifeForce Family Chiropractic and Dr. Lofton kept his promise. At my report meeting, he told me exactly what was wrong with me. Shockingly, I had a Pars Fracture in the L5 vertebra and some disc degeneration between L4/L5. Finally I had my diagnosis and I accepted the treatment regimen. I live exactly 170 miles from LifeForce in Northwest Iowa. My drive is 3 hours, one way. I was worried when I started my treatments that the long drive in the car would aggravate my back. Long rides in cars were excruciating for me. My regimen was two trips to LifeForce per week, three treatments per week, two on Mondays and one on Thursday. By the end of the second week, after only 8 treatments, I felt a reduction in my back pain. I realized this as I stepped out of my car for my Thursday appointment. I wasn’t as stiff or in pain like AI used to be. After a long car ride, I was filled with hope. My reduction in pain continued and I followed Dr. Lofton’s recommendations of water consumption, exercise and eating healthy. I would say that I have a 50% reduction of pain (after ten treatments) but most importantly, I have restored hope. Tracy O. October 2010 |
Dylan was very congested and had a very bad cough, making him cough until he would throw up. After a couple of visits to a “normal” doctor, they ran some tests and diagnosed him with RSV and prescribed an Albuterol (steroid) nebulizer. During this time he was still being seen by Dr. Wade and my wife and I decided to stick with Dr. Wade's plan instead of filling our 2-month-old with steroids! As Dr. Wade said, his congestion broke a couple days later and he is doing GREAT!! TJ S. 2/16/2012 |
I was having severe problems with dizziness when I came to see Dr. Lofton. I was put on medication to take for the dizziness. Since the first couple of visits and adjustments at LifeForce Chiropractic I have not needed any medication for dizziness and have not had any dizzy spells or issues of dizziness at all. My dizziness has completely subsided! I have had severe shoulder pain in my left shoulder/arm since I broke it at age 8 years. The majority of the pain is gone. I can now put my jacket on using my right arm first, since my range of motion has increased and my pain has now decreased significantly. My short term memory was very poor. I would ask the same questions over and over and never remember I had asked or what the answer was. My short term memory has greatly improved! Very rarely do I ask a question more than once and I usually remember I asked the question, even if I have to think hard what the answer was. Theresa K. 4/30/2012 |
On April 28 th of this year, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and a stroke for which I was hospitalized for six days. I started chiropractic adjustments in June or July of this summer. As a result of these treatments, a tremor I had in my left arm has improved to some degree. I do not take any meds for Parkinson's and I anticipate that I will be coming off of Coumaden, a blood thinner, sometime in the near future. In its place, I will be placed on aspirin. Ted W. 1/12/09 |
I have been getting adjusted at LFFC for almost 2 years, but it was an event that happened just recently that made me feel the need to share my testimony. I came in for my regular adjustment, but being around 5 months pregnant I decided to start using the pregnancy pillow so it was more comfortable for me to lay on the table. As I laid down on it for the first time being pregnant, a memory arose in my mind. It had been over a year ago that I had laid on that same pregnancy pillow, however it wasn't because I was pregnant, but because I had just had a surgery after being diagnosed with endometriosis which resulted in ¾ of one of my ovaries being removed. Being only 23 at the time of the surgery, I was devastated that my fertility would be impaired greatly. Trusting in our good Lord and relying on the fact that our bodies have a great ability to heal themselves when given the right things, I continued my adjustments, nutritional supplementations, and faith that the Lord would take care of me. Dr. Lofton is very passionate about chiropractic and Christianity whicdh was always very encouraging for me throughout the tough times. He would often pray over me after adjusting me, which is always an added bonus, especially in these days where Christ, religion, prayer, etc. aren't allowed in a lot of places. In fact, one time while he was praying over me, he ended the prayer by saying “be prepared for baby.” While I think he was simply led by the spirit to say this, he didn't realize the impact it had on me. The day before I had suspected I was pregnant and had confirmed it with a home pregnancy test. I hadn't told anyone yet, not even my husband, but the Lord sure knew! My husband and I are very excited to welcome our first child in February and will share with the little one our beliefs on the importance of faith in our Lord and taking care of the body he has blessed each one of us with. Sydney W. 12/19/2011 |
Since I was a little girl, as far back as I can remember, I haven’t slept solid through an entire night. As an adult,sleeping pills had become a regular habit in order just to fall asleep but even with sleeping pills, I would wake up all night long many times, then, having a hard time falling back to sleep. Since my first adjustment I have not taken one sleeping pill, and haven’t had one night of sleeplessness! I fall asleep easily and sleep through the night. I wake up in the morning and get out of bed easily with energy I have never had before. It’s pretty awesome! Susan Q. 10/19/07
Before I started chiropractic care, I suffered from severe allergies which would often result in asthma attacks to the point of not being able to breathe and ambulance rides to the hospital. I was using inhalers and several other medications to help (or at least I thought.) After I started treatment at LifeForce, my condition steadily improved. I was getting sick less and recovery from illness had a faster recovery time. I am excited to say I threw away all inhalers and other meds and have not been to doctor or hospital in over “5 “ years—no asthma attacks-praise God--what a blessing it is to have the help of Dr. Lance and Dr. Wade who pray over us sometimes when we are being adjusted. But ultimately Jesus is the best physician for the mind, body and soul. Amen. Stephen H. O. 1/26/09 |
Everyday I would be so tired in the afternoon that I would sleep 2-3 hours. If I didn’t lay down, I would fall asleep sitting up. I started taking the amino acids and within days, I didn’t even lie down, I only nap 20-30 minutes. Stephanie S. 3-9-09 |
Dr. Wade prayed with me about some family issues I've been having for quite some time. That same evening, I received a phone call out of the blue from one of the family members involved and we had a nice conversation. Prayer definitely was the reason for this call, in my opinion.. Thanks Dr. Wade. Stephanie J. 7/11/09 |
I am very pleased with the results from LifeForce Family Chiropractic. Before coming in, I was suffering from very painful headaches daily. I now rarely suffer from any headaches! I also saw amazing positive changes in my x-ray after 1 year of treatment. It amazes me as I always believed that my body was healing but did not expect to see the changes that I did! My lower back is noticeably straighter, and my neck curve has gone from a negative curbe to a positive curve! Stacey G. 5/25/2011 |
Our daughter Breanna was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder at the end of first grade. We put her on Adderall and saw a significant change for the better. However, it came at a cost of the meds wore off at about 4 p.m., and she became very crabby and tired, she also began losing weight. We kept her on the meds through the school hyear, then took her off over the summer. In the fall we put her back on the Adderall. She once again had the afternoon crash and weight. We took her off Adderall at Christmas deciding her health was more important than her grades. Since she started chiropractic care at LifeForce, we've noticed a change in her behavior for the better. She is able to focus at school, her grades have improved and she's not so crabby in the afternoon. Best of all we don't have to worry about the long-term effects of being on medications. God's blessings to you LifeForce Chiropractic and many thanks. Sherri F. 11/3/08 |
My name is Shannon and I am a 39-year-old male who sustained a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the face 21 years ago. I have dealt with depression since I was 12 and used chemicals since age 14 to make myself “happy.” Needless to say, they only made things worse. My sister turned me on to LifeForce Family Chiropractic after she started care there and was seeing good results. After 1 month of care, I noticed a huge improvement in my attitude about life and decided to go back to college. After trying for 2 days my depression became overwhelming again and had to drop out. I thought my world was over and thought of myself as a failure. My disability benefits at work ran out and I had no way to support myself or my children. Dr. Lofton prayed over me and asked God to help me—and the miracles happened 2 minutes later. I received a phone call from work and they extended my benefits for another 6 weeks. Needless to say, I was in awe of how fast God answered his prayer. My depression is probably ever going to go away, but I am very confident that, with the help of God and everyone at LifeForce Family Chiropractic, I can manage it and continue living for my children and friends and God! I truly believe if it wasn’t for Dr. Lofton and my family, I would not be writing this letter today, because I would have taken my life. Shannon P. 1/24/11 |
I was getting adjusted today and Megan put her hand on my lower back and prayed for me. When she lifted her hand I felt a big hand on my lower back and peace rush up my spine. It was so powerful I started crying on the adjusting table. I drive one hour each way to LifeForce Family Chiropractic because of the positive health benefits I have been experiencing. My hip no longer hurts when I walk, I no longer have dairy or gluten food allergies, and I have an overall higher sense of general well being. Thank you LFFC! Shannon M. 4/2/2011 |
I used to “crack” my neck several times a day. After only a few weeks of treatment, my neck doesn’t crack anymore. Scott T. 1/8/08 |
Sarah M. has Developmentally Cognitive Disability. Since going to LifeForce Chiropractic, she has had a huge increase in her vocabulary, understanding a whole lot more, has a greater attention span, and she stays on task for a greater amount of time, which she did not do before. Sarah is a whole lot more calm and has much less anxiety than she had before. She is now even beginning to read words and there is a big increase in sentence structure when communicating. Sarah has made a huge progress in all her development areas since going to LifeForce. Sharon M. (Mother of Sarah M.) 3/16/09 |
Throughout my entire life I have never once set foot into a chiropractic office. I have always been active when I was younger, whether it was helping my dad with construction or doing sports. So I have always been used to dealing with some sort of pain in my life and letting my body heal on its own. When I was younger I started having upper and lower back pain. I thought it was normal and I had to heal, also thinking it was my turn to have back problems because my dad and two of my brothers had back problems. As I got older and started my teen years I started to get headaches. My mom always had migraines so I thought I received her “headache genes.” Recently this past year my headache rate increased to a few headaches a week, whether they lasted a day or sporadically came a few times a day lasting 15 minutes. Neck and shoulder pain came from my backpack and having tendonitis in my shoulder. When my parents first told me they signed me up for chiropractic I thought nothing was wrong with me and chiropractic couldn't help me. I am glad to say that after coming to LifeForce Family Chiropractic for one month, I have not had any upper/lower back pain, no shoulder/neck pain, and my headaches have decreased 90%! Praise the Lord! Sarah L. 6/14/2011 |
Alayna was born on 10/3/07 and started getting adjusted at about one month of age. Since that time, she has stopped crying at night – which was associated with colic – and has started sleeping through the night! Last night she slept for 9 hours at just 2 months of age! We are very happy with the results of her chiropractic care! Sara J. 12/5/07
It was a BIG STRETCH to listen to God's leading to drive 1 hr 10 minutes to gain physical health at LFFC. But with the staff's encouragement, we committed to the plan. The spiritual climate and the people we met made us hungry for more of the Lord. 11 years ago we had moved from TX and a spirit-filled, non-denominational congregation. We had joined a denominational church here in MN and hoped people would see in us something they might seek (namely the Holy Spirit!) It seems though they are satisfied with the level of grace they have. So recently I received this revelation that if I can travel for physical health, I can travel for spiritual health too. I am now attending New Day Church in New Prague and receiving MANY blessings from the Lord! Sandi L. 6/18/2012 |
After I got off Meth I didn't sleep for over a year. I finally got some medication that was strong enough to put me to sleep. I've still had problems with my sleep here and there. But I recently haven't slept for 3 1/2 months, but after my first adjustment I slept for 6 hours straight that night. I think I am starting to heal. I used to have to take 16 mg per day of anxiety meds and, now that I'm being seen by the doctor, some days I don't even have to take any for a couple of days. Ryan G. 2/1/12
Dr. Lofton, thank you so much for your fatherly attitude towards all your clients and staff. I very much appreciate your corrections towards thinking the truth and that I know when I come into your office I will be taken care of as a child would, without worry because you care for me. You make God your priority and love flows through Him to all of us. Thank you so much. Keep fighting through your battles, keep your faith strong, do not worry – trust and continue changing the world one person at a time. I am forever grateful that I met you and all of your staff. May God bless you with laborers to help you heal the harvest. Ruth D. 10/5/10
I have had a lot of improvements in my health through chiropractic care. I feel that there has been at least 50 percent change in my posture and leg movement. There has also been a decrease in medication. There was a number of people and doctors that said that was probably nothing that they could do for my situation. How wrong they were. I would recommend chiropractic service for a number of people. Ron U. 9/9/08 |
On May 3, Sunday, during a stressful moment, without first evaluating the situation, I grabbed and jerked a large heavy tub toward me. Immediately I felt a sharp pain radiate through my mid-back. Praying that is really was not what I thought I had done, I fast and painfully became aware of the subluxation. For the next 24 hours I could barely move, and at times the pain took my breath away. Monday morning I called LifeForce Family Chiropractic to which Pam answered with “she was there to serve me!” Those were the best words to hear at that moment! She was able to move my appointment to the morning. Dr. Wade adjusted and corrected my subluxation, and prayed. I was able to feel immediate relief!! Over the next two days my healing continued to progress to fully being healed—thanks to LifeForce Family Chiropractic and their use of God’s divine guidance. Renita R. 5/11/09 |
I wanted to tell you that your adjustment this morning had an immediate effect, just like you said it would. By the time we got home, my right hip was significantly improved – pain level 1, and my lower back also greatly improved – pain level 2. That is improvement from level 5 when I came into your office! We appreciate your fine professional care and commitment to your work. Regina and Toby H. 1/2/08
I have been coming to LifeForce for a few weeks now and about a week ago went off my low-dose depression med. For three days now I have not been on any pain med. I come from about 50 minutes away, one-way, three times a week now, but after trying many different doctors and therapies I believed this was the answer for me and my son. Our prayers have been answered and I praise the Lord Jesus Christ for Dr. Wade Lofton and his staff at LifeForce. I know there is still work to be done but I am so encouraged as is my son. Paulette K. 3/14/2012 |
One year ago I came to see Dr. Lofton because of neck pain. Having had two head injuries there was a major loss of curvature in my neck and a narrowing of the vertebrae in my neck. Dr. Lofton said a normal curve is between 45 and 60 degrees. Mine was only 11 degrees. After a recent follow-up x-ray, Dr. Lofton was amazed to find my curve was now 23 degrees. Now I rarely experience neck pain and am able to get a good night’s sleep. I am so grateful I am able to get adjustments at LifeForce Family Chiropractic. Patsy T. 12/7/10 |
Since coming here for about a year, my pain has really improved. I do need to come regularly. I have been able to get off my anti-depressants which I had been taking for five plus years! It is a blessing! Niki R. 11/5/07 |
At two weeks old, our son, Griffin, had an upper G.I. Test to determine he had a severe case of acid reflux. He was put on Prilosec at the tender age of 2 weeks old. As his parents, we trusted that this was best for him, so we started him on the medication. At 5 months old, we started bringing Griffin to Dr. Lofton for neuro adjustments, because he was still suffering daily from reflux. After starting his adjustment schedule, we only gave him two more doses of his medicine. We have been able to throw it away and have been Prilosec free since! We feel so fortunate that God has opened up the door to neuro adjustments to heal our family. We thank the Lord for introducing us to Dr. Lofton!! Nicole Riggs 4/24/12 |
Before LifeForce, my back was chronically tense, my posture was slumped over, and I tired very quickly. Now after coming to LifeForce my spine has never been more perfect. I now carry myself with confidence as my posture has improved dramatically. My back is now loose and comfortable. Thank you, LifeForce. Mitch W. 11/03/08 |
Since I have been seeing Dr. Lofton my headaches are almost completely gone. I had to get my wisdom teeth taken out and I went in the night before right before my procedure and immediately after I had surgery. That day I had almost no swelling and I wasn’t tired from the anesthesia. The oral surgeon gave me Hydrocodone for pain and Steroids for the swelling. I hardly took any of my pain meds and I never took one Steroid. I hardly had any swelling and had a very quick recovery. Mercedes P. 12/1/11 |
I am a nanny for a 10-month-old baby. I was already seeing LifeForce Family Chiropractic to help with my back problems. One day at work I went to pick up the baby off the floor and while doing so I threw my back out. The baby was fine and I didn’t drop him, but I definitely couldn’t pick him up anymore! My back hurt so much I couldn’t find a comfortable position to sit or lay. I called LifeForce right away to be seen. Dr. Lofton saw me on short notice. He worked on me and prayed for me to get better with my mom and another practice member. That night it seemed like I was in more pain. I couldn’t even go to the bathroom on my own. My mom had to help me with everything. The next morning I saw Dr. Lilla. He also worked on my back I was at least walking better after Dr. Lofton’s visit which was a significant improvement. After Dr. Lilla’s visit I was able to walk pretty normal and my pain went way down to just being sore. Without LifeForce’s hard work and dedication I probably would still be in pain. Thanks soooo much! Melody B. 2-6-11 |
Hi, my name is Melanie J. I've had on and off back problems for a lot of my life. I had my first back surgery in 2007. I had wonderful results. Then in Dec 2010 I had been experiencing a different kind of pain ...please excuse me when I say this but it felt like I was going to give birth on both ends. I finally figured-out after about a month and a lot of emergency visits that is was my back again. My back this time had fragments floating in my spinal column. Surgery #2 happened December 2010. This time I was off and on in pain still. My sister and family were coming and she kept asking me to come...so after the 2 nd surgery was unsuccessful and back Dr. said that the only thing that would maybe help is to fuse my back. The back Dr. looked me in the eye and said “I don't blame you if you don't”. The next time that really bad, I was here at Life Force Family Chiropractic...I had grunted in pain on my almost 2 hour drive. I was telling my husband that maybe he should stop at the E.R. The pain again was like my last surgery. I know that they would have had me drugged up and in surgery within a few days and then, I didn't care. It was all I knew then and I just wanted this pain to ...when it gets that bad...Ugh! Well, we had an appointment at Life Force and we would be late...So I just bared it. I am now so thankful to God and for him using Life Force and him using Life Force to touch my nervous system. This place is nothing that I was used to...it is natural, it's the way God intended (for our bodies were made to heal itself) This 1 WOW! I am waiting for my goal to be complete and since my body has been so abused it will be a bit, but hey, I've been saved from another back surgery! Live my life through my nervous system. Praise God! To whom all blessings flow! God Bless You! Melanie J. 12/22/11
Since moving to MN in 1995 I would lose my voice for a week every year due to allergies. More recently I started having trouble losing weight and was experiencing the beginning symptoms of menopause. I came to LFFC specifically to get my hormones corrected so I would not have to suffer like most women. I started seeing Dr. Lofton in February. This is the first year, since 1995, that I experienced absolutely NO allergy symptoms. This year was really bad for allergy sufferers-- but not for me. Since seeing Dr. Lofton I no longer have any menopausal symptoms. The hot flashes, mood swings, loss of memory and the aches and pains are completely gone. I am truly thankful first to God for giving such a gift to Dr. Lofton and then to Dr. Lofton for allowing God to work through him. P.S. I was also privileged to participate in Dr. Lofton's diet study and have lost 20 lbs. Maxine M. 5/21/2012 |
I love LifeForce Family Chiropractic! I believe you can fix me. I have been feeling really good after being adjusted every time!!! I think they can fix me all the way!! Matthew 1/7/11
Just to let you know that I worked safely and pain free to Dublin Ireland from the USA after 1 ½ years of disability and 90+ visits to a traditional chiropractor. Now that's a miracle! Thank you Dr. J.C.=Miracle Worker. You're the BEST! Forever grateful and still 44 visits to go. Thank you for being in my life weekly! Thank you for being willing to be used, in service, to perform miracles every every day through your oneness with Jesus Christ. YOU make the difference!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you staff at Life Force Family Chiropractic. Your commitment to healing and showing love, makes ALL the difference! Maryanne W |
After just one adjustment, I have had great results! I am standing straighter and with much less pain. The adjustment was painless. I am looking forward to continued improvement and plan to start my children (teenagers) on a chiropractic plan. Thanks for all that you do! Mary R. 12/5/07
I have less back pain and headaches and everything else has improved very much and I feel better and my family thinks that I look better and communicate better with them and my friends at work think that I am happier. I think that emotionally I feel better. Mark M. 10/7/08 |
Torn Rotator Cuff 75% torn, after 3 weeks use only painful every 3 days. I was on 3 pain pills every 6 hours before, was not able to use an opener for can goods because of so much pain in hands and wrist. Just couldn't do it! The other day I opened 3 cans by myself without pain. Strength is returning to my hands, level of pain in shoulders, left leg and back is so much better. Feels like I'm getting my life back! More flexibility and balance is better and strength returning. Thank you Jesus and thanks Dr. Lofton. Marilynn W. 11/9/2011
Before we found Life Force Family Chiropractic, it was almost painful for me to concentrate and a normal school day would take me until 8:30pm to finish. I would go into 8:30pm to finish. I would into these dazes and I was unaware of everything going on around me. I would be up at night until 4:00am or later sometimes unable to fall asleep. After my second appointment I was able to get an entire day's work done in three hours between getting home and leaving again to go to dance, even being exhausted. After my third appointment, I finished my whole day well before lunch time. I can now concentrate without any problems. I feel so awake and aware. Even my frequent back pain and headaches the traditional chiropractor could not help have left. I want to thank Dr. Lofton and all his staff for their help. You guys made life much easier! Mariah R. 12/5/2011 |
My name is Mariah K. I am 17 years old. I have been having seriously painful headaches every day for about a year. I had been taking up to four ibuprofen every four hours and a Tylenol every two hours. I switched between these two medicines every day to sleep. Ever since I have been coming to LifeForce I can barely tell when I have a headache. I take Tylenol or ibuprofen maybe once a day or once every two days. I drive 45 minutes to LifeForce and 45 minutes back to Otsego three days a week. It is such a blessing not to have my painful headaches so frequently anymore. I am blessed! Mariah K. 6/23/09
I’ve been coming to LifeForce Chiropractic for just over a month I’m grateful to say that I’m experiencing a lot of improvement for having been coming for such a short period of time. The first thing I noticed right away is that I’m more relaxed and I can sleep better. I also had problems with depression/anxiety in the pas. Since I’ve been coming here I feel so much better emotionally and I have more energy. Am slowly decreasing my dosage for the Paxil I am on, and plan on being off of it within the next couple of months. I no longer need it. A month ago, I never thought I could do that. My neck and upper back pain is almost completely gone, no more ibuprofen needed! I haven’t felt this good in over 10 years. I appreciate how Dr. Lofton uses a combination of Chiropractic and prayer. Having a strong faith in God is so important in healing. I’m really thankful for Dr. Lofton and his staff. Thanks for all the help, care and kindness that you give. Marie A. 10/18/10
I had experienced a gradual improvement in my symptoms-less tingling in my legs and feet, less ringing in my ears. Then, due to our schedule, we missed about three weeks and my symptoms worsened dramatically. Now that we have returned to a more regular schedule, my symptoms are lessening again! Marge N. 05/04/11
I had my first adjustment last week and on my way home my headache that I had for a few days just went away suddenly and I owe it to my chiropractic adjustment that I feel great! Margaret S. 8/29/2011 |
I came in with neck and wrist pain, low back & upper leg/hip pain as well as dizziness and asthma. I came from Sioux Falls, SD to Savage, MN because I have exhausted all the other options: lung dr, medical dr, & other chiropractic. After one adjustment I have had tremendous relief in my wrist pain, neck pain, & low back pain. Dizziness is now 80% better. My breathing is much better. Hip pain is much improved as well. I am glad I came! Loren R. 10/10/2011 |
My neck used to be very stiff with limited range of motion – making simple tasks like driving and backing out of parking spots, changing lanes and even checking email a real pain in the neck! I had a crunch in my lower back that I no longer have! Hoping that I can master better posture to minimize my jaw – jutting. I get better with each adjustment. Thank you! Loni C. 10/17/07
Three years ago, after a neck x-ray by a medical neurologist, the findings read “instability C1-C2, anterior subluxation of C1 in relation to odontoid”. The solution to the problem: SURGERY to fuse the vertebrae and live with limited range of motion for the rest of my life in that neck area. That was the best that could be done??? I even knew better thanks to Dr Lofton and LifeForce Family Chiropractic. It is now three years later, I continue to have the subluxation and any other subluxation corrected through prayer and torque release. I have FULL range of motion and NO PAIN… or SURGERY! God be praised! Lois L. 11/2/11 |
I'm 29 years old and have dealt with chronic headaches (migraines) for the last 11 years. This progressed to bilateral arm pain and constant muscle tightness and spasms in both shoulders. Prior to seeing LFFC, I could not sleep on my right arm for 2 years. I had problems also with digestion. I have been a patient now for 6 months and have noticed huge improvements! I have had physical therapy, massage therapy, traditional Chiropractic therapy and nothing has previously helped. I also would wake up 8x a night due to such bad pain. I can now almost sleep through the night, I wake up about 1-2 times due to pain- this is a HUGE improvement! I can now sleep on my right arm! My pain on most days has been cut in half. I also have regular digestion! I'm on my way to a full recovery! Previously I hurt 24/7 and now I experience moments with no pain! I know that this has been a God-send in my life and answer to many desperate plea's to God. I thank Dr. Lofton and his staff for giving their lives to this call and for following their passion for people. Lissa O. 8/31/11
I came to LifeForce Family Chiropractic with a lot of issues. One big one was, I had asthma and had had it since high school. I used an inhaler every time I worked out or played a sport. I was doubtful when Dr. Lofton told me he would get me off the inhaler and I would be cured of asthma. It was probably a few months into treatment when I realized I wasn’t breathing hard. I could run without dying and no inhaler! Praise God… Lindsay M. 10/11/11 |
I had been having a few very bad days—meaning very depressed: no energy, feeling very “down,” eating too much, no desire to do any more than getting up and going to my part-time job. I started thinking that maybe I needed to get back on the anti-depressant that I had been off since January 2008. Instead, I called LifeForce Chiropractic and got an appointment that day to see Dr. Lofton. I was feeling very low [depressed] and I told that to Dr. Lofton. He proceeded to do a treatment on me-adjusting my subluxation—and I went home. That evening, about 4 hours later—I felt a release in my spirit—a lifting of the depression. I proceeded to do my laundry and clean the house—feeling so much improved! I recommend chiropractic adjustment for relieving symptoms of depression! Linda R. 10/25/08 |
Coming here has been a positive experience. The Christian atmosphere and cheerful staff are so helpful. I have noticed improvement in my fibromyalgia symptoms and headaches are less frequent. It's hard to be definitive since I don't have one specific complaint. Overall I notice improvement. Linda E. 10/19/2011 |
I recently had some blood showing up in my elimination and saw Dr. Lofton a few days before I had a colonoscopy. He prayed over me as well as adjusting me, and the blood problem ceased shortly after. The colonoscopy showed that my colon was in good condition with only a small amount of diverticulitis. I praise God for his healing power in my body! Leon L. 11/28/07 |
I have so much more energy! I was having problems in my ovary area. It is down to minimal, just regular cramping for my once a month women thing. I can get out of bed in the morning and stand up straight and I'm on my way to victory of being smoke free after 31 years. Thanks So Much! Leigh S. 7/16/08 |
We came to LifeForce Family Chiropractic for my son, who was born with Spina Bifida, in hopes that he would find relief for his constant pain and other various issues. After seeing his scan, I decided to have a full body scan and see what I looked like-having been rear ended by a loaded truck while at a stop sign on Christmas Eve four years ago. I deal with headaches and other upper back pain, and had resigned myself to believe it was just now my “lot in life ” But we decided to make the 1 hour plus journeyto Savage from Monticello and hope for the best. A year ago, I learned that I was terribly anemic and it was decided that a full hysterectomy was my only option. Immediately after, I discovered that I no longer had feeling in my thigh. Although telling my regular chiropractor and getting regular adjustments, I never saw a real difference. Again, deciding this was just “ the way it was going to be” now. After only four adjustments, my son began to speak of having feeling in his feet again – which alerted me to the fact that I now have feeling in my thigh! Every week, we see improvements and feel healing continue in our bodies. My back pain is nearly gone and my posture is coming back! I love the atmosphere of honoring God and knowing that ultimately He is the reason for the incredible things that take place in this office, and that Dr Lofton never takes the credit for himself. He is always pointing his patients to the REAL source of their healing – and praying for every one of them. He is a mighty tool in the hand of God! Laurie W. 10/13/11 |
I originally sought chiropractic for pain relief. After my second visit, I had significant release in my back. I was thrilled, as I have never thought I would experience life pain free! This alone would have been enough to keep me coming back. Although, the real miracle for me was after that second adjustment I was completely delivered from alcoholism. I had never mentioned anything to the Doctors about my heavy drinking problem so this truly is deliverance! I am now able to enjoy my life and not be consumed with the desire for a drink or be crippled up in pain. It is wonderfully amazing to feel so free! Thank you. Lara L. May 1, 2011 |
Thank you God for LifeForce. For a long time we where looking for the right chiropractors to go to. While Diane (my mother) was at work, she bumped into Mrs. Lofton and here we are. While in a situation that caused deep emotional stress for 3-4 years turned into depression; never felt anything like this; always looked at the bright side;, what can we learn from bad situations. This caused sickness in the body, colds and flu very easily and had to go to the ER because temp stayed for about 5 days; never as sick like this before all this. Then started to get dizzy spells and vertigo when watching children spin or run around in circles. Never had this. Depression caused tiredness all the time, no matter how much sleep. Driving at night about 3 hours ago, I could not see in the dark and felt like pulling over, because it was scary. Also had stiffness and pain in the neck and middle back. Still did what I needed to get chores done and activities with children while it was so hard to do them, wanted to do them, this really interfered with the quality of life. Thinking this is all part of getting older (oh no). The girls and I moved to my mom’s house. The depression lifted (so I thought.) All the other elements were still there: aches and pains, and I’m only 40 years old. In starting our adjustments we all were healing from the flu and after that, wow!! Never thought we can live again. Depression died and sunshine came in again, night blindness is gone, sleeping well and actually feel rested and alert again. Neck and back have no pain and healing wonderfully. The neck exercises are wonderful for stiffness from sitting at computer for paperwork or having to look down, and releases the pressure. Overall body functions like bowels, bladder, breathing, nasal passages (open and I can breathe better.) I never would have thought this could happen. In the beginning of this, I was just a pin-sized skeptical about this technique. Now how can we live without this—it’s a miracle. What a blessing we can be active without little nags (pains, tired, depression and etc.) is gone, so we can be active and really have life back and to enjoy it what God has given back to us. Thank you God for LifeForce and making us part of your family. You are all wonderful. Thank you, Dr. Lofton for adjusting and praying for us, means a lot, God bless you all. Kristan R. 12/7/09 |
I have been coming here for a month now and have a tremendous amount of stress in my life on top of my spinal issues. In just one month, my scans are much improved. I have less headaches and less pain in my back and limbs. Some days I have no pain. My right hip is doing better also. I had a hard time sleeping without a lot of pillows under my legs and am now considering trying to sleep without them. I am weaning myself off of the anti-depressants and I believe that the improvement in my spine/neurological system will help me to deal with the stress and anxiety in my circumstances. I am sleeping better too, YEAH! I feel calm right after most of the adjustments. I thank God for Dr. Lofton and Torque Release Therapy. I am hoping for much healing and a better quality of life. Kimi G. 8/3/10 |
Thanks so much for your help with my migraines! I’d been getting menstrual migraines every month for at least a year. They were so painful I couldn’t even function until they subsided. I also would be “set off” by little things. I would feel very agitated when things didn’t go as I’d planned and I’d find myself gritting my teeth so I wouldn’t lose my temper. After just one adjustment my menstrual migraines and irritability were gone! What a relief! Thank you, Dr Lofton, for relieving me of a lot of unnecessary pain and irritability. I also have had hypoglycemia for 15 years with sugar highs and lows that have interfered with my life on a daily basis. I would have to be sure to eat a healthy breakfast and pack a snack to bring a long and make time to eat in a few hours. Same idea for lunch and an afternoon snack. Foods high in carbs/sugar were off limits. If I didn’t eat just right, I’d crash, feeling tired, confused, crabby and very hungry. After being adjusted just a few times, my sugar cravings and symptoms of hypoglycemia are gone! My sugar levels have stabilized so I can eat much less and less often. My concentration is much better throughout the day so I can work more effectively. Healthy food is more appealing to me than junk food so I have a better chance to regulate my weight and be healthier in general! Thank you Dr Lofton for freeing me from hypoglycemia and possibly diabetes which runs in my family! Also, thank you for acknowledging Him in the healing process! Kim T. 9/10/11 |
In over 35 years of seeking health care, never have I met a physician who responds to my technical inquiries regarding my health and treatment as thoroughly as Dr. Lofton. All of my questions are answered clearly and completely. On a rare occasion, when the answer isn’t immediately known, instead of avoiding the question or answering a different one, they take the time to research the subject and prepare an accurate response. I have complete confidence in Dr. Lofton and the low-force Torque Release method of chiropractic care. Kent P. 10/10/07 |
I came to Doctor Lofton's office because I had restless leg syndrome that gave me a lot of trouble and because I was thrown from a horse and broke my shoulder, but the doctor didn't catch it, so that gave me a problem as well. I've been going to Doctor Lofton's since November of 2011, and not only has my restless leg syndrome completely stopped giving me troubles and my shoulder improved rapidly, but I've been delivered of things I thought I'd be stuck with forever! I have allergies that used to cause my ear to make funny noises when I tried to sleep, and after just a few treatments, it quit. I used to wake up several times during the night, but now I sleep all the way through the night! A few days ago, I had an eye infection that was driving me nuts. I had an adjustment and the next morning I woke up and it was gone! I am not the only one either. I have many family members and friends who come here and have great results. Not only is the healing great, but the people here are just so fun. I also enjoy the fact that it's a place I can go where I don't have to listen to secular music, and the people believe the same thing I do! I love it here!!! Kaytlin L. 3/18/12 |
I came to LifeForce because of my osteoporosis and elevated B.P.; not because of any specific aches or pains. However in the 6 weeks I’ve been going, I do think I have more movement (side to side) in my neck and an improved sense of well-being. I also feel I have better physical balance. I look forward to each adjustment. Karen S. 2/11/09 |
Since I began going to LifeForce Family Chiropractic, I have seen remarkable results. I believe that my positive results are due to the skilled staff, my consistency on going each week, and my positive attitude toward the LifeForce Chiropractic program. Because of the previously stated factors, I have seen a great change in the negative reverse curve in my neck. My neck now reflects a positive 31 degree curve. I have also seen a great significant decrease in my acid reflux due to working with LFFC. I cannot thank the staff enough. I have truly seen and felt a huge difference in my life. Karen O. 2/22/10 |
I have been coming here for a month now and have a tremendous amount of stress in my life on top of my spinal issues. In just one month, my scans are much improved. I have less headaches and less pain in my back and limbs. Some days I have no pain. My right hip is doing better also. I had a hard time sleeping without a lot of pillows under my legs and am now considering trying to sleep without them. I am weaning myself off of the anti-depressants and I believe that the improvement in my spine/neurological system will help me to deal with the stress and anxiety in my circumstances. I am sleeping better too, YEAH! I feel calm right after most of the adjustments. I thank God for Dr. Lofton and Torque Release Therapy. I am hoping for much healing and a better quality of life. K.G. 8/3/10
I have been treated by Dr. Lofton for about 8 months since having an illness that affected my muscles. He also has me on vitamins/minerals. I recently had an optometrist appointment two years after being diagnosed, by a different clinic with a cataract in my right eye … but not to worry yet since it was small. Now 2 years later, I told my new optometrist this information as he examined my eye, and that it almost seemed that I had better vision out of my cataract eye then my other eye. I thought that the Dr. would never put his ophthalmoscope down. He looked and looked and finally used a larger light, and then he said…” well, I can’t find any sign of a cataract anywhere! In fact, you don’t need contacts or glasses and needn’t come back for a year!” Dr. Lofton and his staff, with God as their source, has given me “Hope” and “Joy unspeakable” in my healing process… and as a bonus-no more Cataract!! Thank you Jesus! Julie Q. 2/20/12 |
Three years ago I was diagnosed with a debilitating disease called Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I found myself unable to do even the simplest tasks. Getting up from a chair or walking for more than a few minutes caused excruciating pain. Simple household chores were not possible anymore. My specialist put me on high dosages of prednisone which helped but had serious side effects. The medications dramatically damaged my eyes and bones as well as elevating my blood pressure. The thought of living my life this way was very depressing! My initial consultation at LifeForce was even more revealing. Along with the muscle inflammation caused by the Polymyalgia Rheumatica I also was struggling with multiple serious subluxations and degenerative disks in my lower back. After less than a year I feel that I am a walking testimony of health and healing. Each week I have been able to see small steps of healing which encouraged me to go on. It proved to me, in no uncertain terms, that Chiropractic was bringing new life to my body. I have gone from 55 mg. of prednisone to a mere 5mg. I am now able to ride in the car for the two hour trip to LifeForce with almost no pain. I can walk up and down the stairs and handle the day to day activities which had been impossible for such a long time. Both my husband and I are following a healthy routine of exercise and diet and find ourselves looking toward the future with renewed hope! Words cannot express our heartfelt thanks to LifeForce for their gift of healing through the miracle of Neurological Chiropractic. Your care, concern and prayer have enabled us to look forward to tomorrow with joy and expectation. Blessings to you and your staff. Judy S. 01/23/2010 |
Since I’ve been getting chiropractic care, I’ve noticed many improvements in my health. One huge improvement is in my allergies. They’re virtually gone! All my life I’ve had severe allergies to just about everything outdoors. Also, I’ve noticed I haven’t had even one migraine headache since my treatments began. Praise God! I have noticed many other improvements in my health that aren’t as earth-shaking, but still significant. For one thing my chest pain is gone for the most part, my sinuses are clear, and my intestinal tract is much improved. Thank you God and Dr. Lofton! Judy R. 6/11/08 |
I have traveled a long journey in a short time. In the caring hands of Dr. Lofton I have come a long way in my journey of recovery. When I arrived at the office, I considered myself a very healthy and pain free individual until my first exam. This opened my eyes to the rapidly declining health of my spine and its connective effects on the other parts of my body. An aggressive regiment was prescribed and within the first four weeks I began to “feel” the benefits of the treatments. First, I have had salt cravings for a while and I began to notice that I no longer need to salt all my foods anymore. Food started to taste much, much better! Second, my quality of sleep has improved tremendously. I began to achieve deep sleep and during the day I could last longer instead of “napping” in the afternoons to recover. Third, my demeanor is improved. I am more cheerful and people have noticed it! I intend to continue my treatments. At this point, I am going to be coming until the good doctors “give me the boot”. I am blessed to have run into LifeForce Family Chiropractic! Joseph K. 11/3/07 |
After driving a truck and doing construction work for over 43 years, my body finally told me it wasn’t going to take it anymore. My initial consultation at LifeForce Family Chiropractic revealed that I had serious subluxations and degeneration of my lower spine. I had debilitating pain in walking, sitting and standing, as well as recurring distress in my back. The thought occurred to me that if this continued to progress, I would be in a wheelchair with a greatly diminished quality of life. When I came to LifeForce I felt it was my only hope as I have received no lasting relief through any other branch of the medical community. Praise the Lord, I am on the way to renewed health! My healing has been gradual but definitely progressive! After less than a year, I find myself doing things I thought I would never do again. I am able to be on my feet for longer and longer periods of time. My pain level has diminished and for the first time in a long while I have ‘hope.’ There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord has given the doctors at LifeForce the wisdom to couple neurological chiropractic and prayer. Together they are transforming lives and families! Thank you LifeForce. Joseph E. S. 1/28/10 |
Starting June 18 th I got out of bed and could barely move due to excruciating back pain. I couldn't even lift my legs to get dressed. Had a hard time going down stairs and getting into the truck to get to the chiropractor. Any slight or sharp movement I would have a sharp pain in my back. Went to see Dr. Lofton and he adjusted me, told me to come back on Wednesday and was adjusted again. By Thursday I had more mobility and was able to do more daily activities. Then went again the following Monday (week later) and was adjusted again and had most of all my mobility with a lot less pain. Dr. Lofton also told me to take fish oil tablets to relieve swelling and that has continued to assist with my recovery. Jonathan B. 6/30/2012 |
My name is John R. I just turned 60 this past November. I live along the Minnesota River Valley, between Mankato and New Ulm, but I grew up on a farm, just outside of North Mankato. Farming can be pretty hard on the body, and as a kid I didn't always lift things using the proper techniques, so back trouble started at a young age. After High School, I joined the Air Force and worked on the flight line, as an aircraft weapons mechanic. We loaded bombs, rockets, missiles, ammo and other military weapons. Again, there was a lot of lifting involved and not always done right. After my discharge from the Air Force, I got married and we built a house in the country, on what is mostly hillside. It was a tough place to make firewood, in the ravines, along the valley and plenty of chances for injuries. In 1988 I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma and had surgery, to check for the spread of the cancer. The surgery did a lot of nerve damage, which has caused a host of problems in the area of my neck and left shoulder. In 2003 I had by-pass surgery to prevent a future heart-attack from blocked arteries on my heart. Again, more cut nerves. More strange and uncomfortable sensations that weren't normal. I'm now on a handful of medications to lower my bad cholesterol and raise the good. I'm on meds for numerous other problems, too and my goal is to get off all meds. At the age of 60, the old prostate had begun to get enlarged, causing its own problems, so getting that to shrink is another of my goals. Since starting my treatments here, I have a lot less back aches and pain. My prostate seems to be shrinking, as I don't generally have to get up at night to go to the bathroom. My general sense of well being has really improved and I feel better, all over. My ulcerative colitis has calmed way down and regularity has returned. I've also noticed that I have more energy now. So far I've shed two of my medications and continue to work on removing the rest. It may be a long way to drive, but to me, it's well worth it. John R 01-21-2010 |
I have seen a traditional chiropractor for about 6 years and I kept on getting the ame results. I would get adjusted and feel good right after but soon I would get the same pain in my back and my left leg. I am a distance runner so it is important to run with the least amount of pain possible. I started seeing the chiropractor here at LifeForce Family Chiropractic and am getting better results than what I first expected. I am almost pain free when I run now. Thanks to God and the chiropractor I am able to enjoy life much more without pain and I will be able to set new goals for myself as far as running goes. I would recommend LifeForce Family Chiropractic to anyone because they will get results and be in a great Christian environment. Joe L. 5/7/11 |
Before I came, my legs were very spastic – which causes discomfort and makes it difficult to perform simple tasks. I am on medication to decrease the spasms. Yesterday, I forgot to take the medication and I didn’t have any spasms. Also, I am sleeping better than I have in eight years. I would be awakened from the leg spasms, and have not been for the past two nights! I also feel taller after coming! Joe D. 09/29/11 |
When I first came to Lifeforce, I started noticing the absence of symptoms I was so accustomed to that I hardly noticed anymore! Not being able to look over my left shoulder, occasional pain shooting up my neck & shoulders when I sat. On my first re-X-ray, my neck and upper back were significantly improved. Recently, I decided to start Dr. Lofton's weight-loss program. Within a few days, I was able to go from taking 4 ibuprofen twice a day for pain, to very little pain related to my weight-induced condition without any medication. During the first week, I lost 12.6 pounds! Joanney U. 10-03-2012 |
On Wednesday, April 28, 2010, on one of my cleaning jobs, I was getting a second story porch ready for a client to use for the summer. I found some twigs and leaves, and much to all of our surprise, a few rotten boards. My right foot fell through, up to my knee. Praise the Lord I had blue jeans on so my leg was protected, but my fall came to a blunt stop right below my knee. Praise God, my knee cap or joint was not involved. I immediately elevated my leg and ice-packed it. Another wonderful thing I had an adjustment appointment already established with Dr. Wade. So after the adjustment, I experienced an incredible sense of health and well-being, not only on my entire body, but my leg as well. I am having a quick recovery—I’m a believer of torque release adjustments! Thank you Lifeforce Family Chiropractic! Jo Henri A. 4/30/10 |
I had my first treatment on Thurs PM. Today is the first day in the last couple of years that my shoulders have not been tensed up and hard as a rock. I was consciously making an effort to try to relax them, thinking part of the problem was just stress, but it wasn't working. I left the clinic feeling scared because the news I was given was worse than I expected. But I think I also felt a sense of fear because I felt the power of the Holy Spirit and that is a good kind of fear. Whatever healing I receive I expect will not just be physical. Jill F. 10/21/2012 |
My Name is Jeremy C. and I have suffered from back, shoulder and neck pain. I went to LifeForce Family Chiropractic because my dad said he had used one of the Chiropractors for a while. I was very nervous about going at first and after a few weeks I actually felt better. One day at work I felt a very sharp pain in my leg and it was very hard to walk. I was thinking of going to a Doctor to get some pain medication, but instead I went to the chiropractor and he adjusted the area and the pain was gone. I felt great and I was so thankful to God and the Chiropractor that helped me. Jeremy C. 9/7/2011 |
I have had neck pain, sinus problems and bad headaches for years and within the last 6 months the neck pain had become unbearable. I didn't want to go to a medical doctor and had the overwhelming decision of which chiropractor to select. I had prayed for the Lord to help me. On a Sunday afternoon in early October, I decided to go to the home remodelers' show in Shakopee to look for ideas on remodeling my bathroom It was there that I came across LifeForce. You couldn't imagine how overjoyed I was when they did a scan and told me exactly where I was having the worst pain. I had Hope ! After starting therapy the problems were gone I no longer take Allegra D or any pain reducers! I am so thankful! Thanks LifeForce for being there! Jennifer K. 11/22/08 |
Hannah is an active 11 year old. Since coming to LifeForce Family Chiropractic, she feels more in control and has less A.D.D. symptoms. Her energy levels are closer to where they should be! Jennifer K. - Hannah 1/31/11 |
Our son, Sam, is 10. He is loved by his married parents, is brought to church, lives with little lack – but his struggles are very real. Since he was a baby he was sick constantly. Pneumonia, ear infections, jaundice. He had every symptom of Chron’s Disease, stomach problems and on and on. When school started, there were focus issues, attitude, learning disabilities, a diagnosis of AdHD, anger, rage, voices in his head and depression. We tried Ritalyn and Adderall. He then saw clowns and talked of suicide. Then we tried Amino Acids, Zink & Iron and saw good results but he could no longer be in a regular classroom. We added another psychologist and took him to the University of Minnesota for further testing. Since LifeForce Family Chiropractic, Sam has stopped severe stuttering in six visits. He can sit calmly in a chair. He is a happy boy who doesn’t have back and neck pain anymore. He has only been coming for two months over the summer but I am looking forward to school in the fall for him! God makes all things new! Jennifer K. – Sam 07/27/10 |
Dr. Lofton asked me how much I loved the music here, and I said “I love your music in the office so much that I started listening to it.” Janice H. 10/1/08 |
I started receiving chiropractic care midway through my treatment for synovial sarcoma(cancer). Although I have not seen dramatic results, I know that I am in correction. I sleep a little better. The natural curve that should be in the neck is beginning to be restored. I hope that my low back pain continues to improve. My scans show some changes and even some improvement, though I am still in the beginning of my care. Janette S. 09/23/10 |
Right after the first adjustment, my son, Trevor started to talk more. He sang most of the way home. He has not sung that much or that clearly in three plus years! He has started to laugh again, which is something he has not done. We get him back home and having lunch, when my sister noticed that he was not having his normal tremors while eating. The tremors have decreased significantly. James T (For Trevor) 09/15/08 |
Going back 7 years ago I was at Hyland Ski hill snowboarding and having a blast hitting the big jumps with my friends. On one particular run I was nearing their 100 th kicker jump and just as I was about to fly, my edge caused me to lose speed. Because of the loss in speed I didn't make the landing and instead landed on flat ground on my feet from 20 feet up in the air. This caused instant pain at a high level. At 15 years of age I knew what real back pain was like. It made sense what the “old” people meant when they said “wait until you get older.” So in an attempt to fix this pain I went to a chiropractor (a “bone snapper”) for the next 7 years without any solid results. The pain would always seem to find its way back into my lower back. After 7 years and much prayer, I met Dr. Lofton at a Christian concert in Minneapolis as they were promoting a CD release of one of their clients. After talking with them and hearing how they differed I thought “why not see if this is real, nothing else has helped.” After 2 weeks of treatment of my nervous system the pain was gone, yes gone! An answer to prayer! To those who doubt: Don't bash it until you've tried it, it works! Jake B. 5/13/2012 |
My x-ray showed I had hyperkyphotic posture. It was at 43 degrees, and it moved to 25 degrees after being treated for 14 months. The chiropractors are amazing and God is good! I appreciate how they pray over me sometimes too. :) Heidi H. 1/28/10 |
I started coming to you for care initially because of the chronic headaches, neck and back pain and stiffness I’ve had since the cervical–spine fusion surgery I had in the year 2000. I am amazed at how soon after receiving regular chiropractic adjustments my headaches literally disappeared and my pain almost completely went away! I never dreamed it would have such a lasting impact. Since becoming pregnant with my fourth child in the spring, I was quickly struck down again by hyperemesis , having me unable to care for my family. Instead of taking huge quantities of a drug given to chemotherapy patients, which didn’t even help much with my third pregnancy, I came to LifeForce for weekly auriculotherapy treatments. Once again, I am left totally amazed and grateful for the healing it brought my body!! At 15 weeks of my pregnancy I was totally cured and feeling like a “normal” pregnant woman—praise the Lord!! Thank you so much, Lifeforce team, for all you’ve done for my body, and for your care!! Heidi C |
My 11-year-old daughter was hit by a car while riding her bike in April of ‘07. Shortly after, she started getting adjusted here at LifeForce. She had many symptoms including daily headaches, back pain and frequent anxiety attacks and tantrums. All of these things Were very out of the ordinary for Hannah. After seeing the x-rays and CT scans, it was not all that surprising that she was having these extreme symptoms. Her spine looked like the letter “S” and her atlas was shoved way over against her brain stem. We just had her re-x-rayed and her spine is straight, her neck is starting to get a curve in it, and we are seeing progress in getting the atlas back to where it belongs. The most amazing thing to me is seeing first hand how allowing the body to communicate 100% with the brain and vice versa effects every part of our lives. Not just the physical (headaches and back pain), but also the mental and emotional (anxiety attacks and tantrums). Praise God not only for protecting Hannah during the accident, but for bringing doctors who follow God and believe in doing things the way He intended. God is so good! Tricia L. B. (for Hannah) 1/27/09 |
I had my annual physical last Monday. My height showed a ½ inch improvement from 6’0” to 6’1/2”. Gary W. 7/29/09 |
My name is Gary P, I am a US Navy 20 year veteran, a farmer and machine operator. I began my treatment with LifeForce Family Chiropractic in late August of 2010, primarily to provide support to my wife in her dealings with her difficulties, but to my surprise and surgeries, I have benefitted greatly. First off, for the past two years, I have had to deal with chronic feet and heel pain. After about a month’s treatment for subluxation, I mentioned my chronic foot pain and Dr Lofton provided treatment and within a month the pain was gone and has not returned. I also went on the five week weight loss treatment that Dr Lofton offers and lost 23 pounds and I feel much better overall. Recently, I had chronic arm and elbow pain, and although being treated regularly for subluxation, I did not mention the pain until recently. I n two treatments from Dr Lofton, the pain is gone and the strength is coming back to my arm. I’m a believer! Gary P. 02/12/11 |
I initially came to LifeForce Family Chiropractic because I was offered a free visit. After the results of my initial tests, I realized why I was having neck pain in the mornings. I would wake up daily with stiffness in my neck. After only two adjustments with Dr. Lofton, my neck pain and morning stiffness was gone. The range of motion in my neck continues to improve weekly. Before beginning treatments, I contributed my neck and lower back pain with old age and felt that it was normal. Kneeling at church was when I would experience low back pain. Since I have been in treatment, I can kneel at church without pain! Gail H. 12/20/10 |
My almost 8 year old son has been diagnosed with Episodic Mood Disorder and ADHD. Episodic Mood Disorder is a kind of broad diagnosis that basically means he will, on occasion, be totally irate and irrational. He almost seemed to be possessed during his “episodes”. He would swear like a sailor in a men's locker room, and kick and scream and throw punches. Sometimes. At other times, he was a perfectly pleasant, albeit hyper, child. For the past two years, he has been on a variety of different medications. At one point, my boy was taking 6 different meds in a day, with very minimal change in his behavior/demeanor. I became fearful that I could not keep his siblings, or myself safe when he was enraged. He was “kicked out” of his after school program for violence and inappropriate behavior/language. I enrolled him this past fall in a transitional program school. This school focuses on therapy (cognitive therapy, behavior modification therapy, etc.) throughout the school day. Since that enrollment, I have actually witnessed his behavior get worse instead of better. I thought I had tried everything to help my little guy, and it felt as if everything I tried was in vain. I am honestly not sure who spoke to me about chiropractic options first. It seems as if two or three friends from my church simultaneously asked, “Have you thought about a chiropractor?” at the exact same time. I believe that God knew I wasn't going to listen if one person whispered it in my ear, so several people had to be used to reach out to me. I must admit, I have always believed that chiropractors, herbal medicine and acupuncturists were all in the same “tree hugging, peace, love and granola” junk science family... But I will do anything to help my boy thrive and live to his full potential. So, I scheduled his appointments, and prayed. A lot. Dr. Lofton warned me that his healing may not happen overnight. He said I might see symptom improvement after a week, or a month, or 11 months, but eventually, he was certain, the care from LifeForce Family Chiropractic could help. My boy has had just 5 adjustments. He is not a little angel complete with halo and harp. He is, however, no longer swearing, at all, and has been able to express his frustration in a much more appropriate way. His school has informed me that he has been chosen as 'star student'. To be a star student, you have to participate in each class and therapy session, you have to have stellar behavior with zero time outs or 'exercises', and you have to have perfect attendance and be a role model to peers. The improvement that his school has noticed in him in just the past week and a half is truly awe inspiring. His teacher was bubbling on and on about how much of a joy he has been in class the last several days. His behavior at home is equally improved. He is still an almost-8-year-old boy, so he still does naughty things. But when he is corrected for the errors, he doesn't start into meltdown of epic proportion the way he did two weeks ago. I cannot praise the staff and treatment he has received at LifeForce enough. God knew that I needed to go through all the medicine and therapy and struggles with my boy, and be at my 'wits end', before I would turn it over to Him... I wish it hadn't taken me so long to turn to my Lord for help! I fully intend to sing the praises of Neurological Based Chiropractic from the rooftops when I hear about other parents suffering with kids with ADHD, Bi Polar, OCD, or any mental illness... My sweet, sweet little man deserved to be happy and healthy this whole time. The very least I can do is pay this miracle forward and spread the word of what chiropractic care can do for these other lost little sheep. I hope that God prepares their parents hearts to be open to this line of treatment. I have an appointment next week for myself. And after my treatment has started, the sisters get a turn... Christina D |
If you do before you get it, what you would do if you had it, you’ll be sure to get it, driving all the way in faith. To get your healing God had to create hunger in man’s spirit, he created opportunity for us to step out of our mindsets on to a substance called faith. My circumstances were that I was not able to get out of bed to walk for three days and I had been seeing a chiropractor, was not working. His technique was not working, his lack of knowledge I was suffering. I had a friend that told me about her improvement that I could hear with faith ears to hear, hunger in my spirit, I had to take a leap cause I and some work so I could pay for gas and medical bills to pay. So I began my long drives 56 miles, trips down south to Savage three times a week. I ask God you will heal me. And I got this answer through a testimonial of an act of faith of raising the dead that there is no lack, “for my God supplies all my needs in every area of life, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Phil, 4:19). I think responding to truth and “trust[ing] in the Lord with all my heart, and lean not to my own understanding.” (Pro 3:5) God creates hunger in seasons in our life, and I, by the grace of God, “I hear right, the spirit truth abides in me and teaches me all things. He guides me into all truth. I have perfect knowledge of every circumstance and opportunity that comes before me.” John 14:26, John 16:13. Eric B. 1/31/11 |
In 2005 I was admitted into a hospital for anxiety and severe depression. During the 14 day stay, the doctors filled me full of every anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, and sleeping pill that I have heard of and even some that I hadn’t heard of. The pills numbed everything. I couldn’t cry, didn’t laugh, I was completely emotionless and was simply numb. After I was released from the hospital I was placed in an out-patient program where my medications were monitored…etc. I knew that it wasn’t the life that anyone should have to live. I didn’t want to be on so many pills that someone needed to monitor them for me! I began receiving alternative treatment and was weaned off all of the medication but the anti-depressant pill and finally started to feel like myself again. In 2006 I had a seizure. Although the doctors assured me that the seizure wasn’t because of the anti-depressant that I was on, I decided to reduce the amount I was taking and eventually was completely weaned off. Although, I only had one seizure, for some reason the EEGs are still showing seizure activity. In winter/spring of 2012 the anxiety and depression returned. I could see the dark path I was falling down into again and it scared me. I knew I needed to find help and not through ordinary doctors that numb the pain and depression. While praying for guidance, I ran across LifeForce and read into the patient testimonies and discovered that their techniques have helped individuals with depression and anxiety! I didn’t know anything about their technique but was very willing to try. I have now been going to LifeForce for approximately 6 months and I no longer have severe anxiety and my depression has improved at least 90%! I feel like myself again! After only a month or two my family could hear/see the difference and I was finally smiling again. I’m no longer filled with medications to numb the depression but I am bringing life back into the darkness! I will always remember the day when Dr. Lofton told me that I am sure smiling a lot more and that God is great. God is truly great and is blessing so many individuals through the help of LifeForce Family Chiropractic every single day. I highly recommend LifeForce to people that are not only struggling with emotional distress but to everyone! Everyone is dealing with some sort of battle/pain (big and small) and I know LifeForce along with the power of prayer can help ease the burden and bring life back into your body. Emily W. |
I have been so blessed by God through our chiropractic care. I have not had a tension headache in months, my son Hunter has had dramatic improvements in this behavior since being on nutrition and receiving care, and my infant has been healthy, happy, and sleeps well. I truly believe my infant’s wellness is because of receiving care in utero and right after birth. I have been very willing and happy to share with others the benefits we have experienced through our care here at LifeForce. May God continue to bless this office for doing His work! Emily S. 7/30/08 |
When I was 34 weeks pregnant with my second child, and my baby was transverse (sideways.) During an adjustment the baby turned. I verified this by consulting my midwife immediately afterward, and she said he was now head down! I’ve had less back pain, and an easier labor. Thanks guys! Elin E. 4-30-10 |
To get your healing, God had to create hunger in man’s spirit. He creates opportunity for us to step out of our mindsets onto a substance called faith. My circumstances were that I was not able to get out of bed to walk for three days. I had been seeing a chiropractor, but it was not working. His technique was not working. In his lack of knowledge, I was suffering. I had a friend who told me about her own improvement. I heard it with faith. “Ears to hear, hunger in my spirit, I had to take a leap. I had work, so I could pay for gas… so I began my long drive of 56 miles South to Savage, three times a week. I asked God, “Will you heal me?” And I got this answer through a testimonial of an act of faith – of raising the dead- there is no lack, For my God supplies all my needs in every area of life, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19) I think responding to truth and trusting in the Lord with all my heart, and leaning not to my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) God creates hunger in seasons in our life. By the grace of God, I hear right. The spirit of truth abideth in me and teaches me all things. He guides me into all truth. I have perfect knowledge of every circumstance and opportunity that comes before me (John 14:26, John 16:13) If you do before you get it; what would you do if you had it, you’ll be sure to get it. Driving all the way in faith! Eli B. 1/31/11 |
I have had improvements in my heart and well-being. The improvements have been in my lower back area. I would have aching , but I no longer do! If this has anything to do with the services that I receive here, I am noticing great improvement when it comes to college. Lastly, when I started coming to LifeForce Family Chiropractic I was in a scooter . I started coming here in December and January. I am now walking with a walker and hope to graduate to a cane, and then to walking on my own. I do have intentions of improving my spine by doing the things I need to, “to bring life back to my body”! Earline J. 3/8/11 |
Isaac has had a pretty bad problem with reflux since he was born. We brought him in to LifeForce in August at 6 months old. He started getting adjusted 3 days per week. By the time we had been coming about 2 months, he was no longer spitting up. Donna M. 12/17/08 |
When I started coming to LifeForce Family Chiropractic for adjustments, I was experiencing frequent headaches and mid-back pain. I had neck pain daily. I was taking a seizure medication for facial and jaw pain due to Trigeminal Neuralgia. I now have occasional headache, and I am free from neck and mid-back pain. I have been off of the seizure medication since the beginning of October 2009, and I seldom have facial or jaw pain. I have been learning about the importance of trusting in the Lord for healing, and how He created my body to work as a whole. Having chiropractic adjustments is opening the nerve pathways between my brain and my body. This allows my body to function properly the way God intended when He created me. My general health overall has improved. I used to get frequent upper respiratory infections that would last for weeks. Since I started these treatments, I have only had one cold and only felt bad enough to stay home for 2 days. Dolores O. 2/17/10 |
The second time I was adjusted in the cervical area, I noticed my visual acuity was almost perfect . Because of my poor eyesight, the optometrist could never adjust my glasses prescription to 20/20. I know now I see clearer! Praise God and LifeForce Family Chiropractic! Dolly U. 12/19/07 |
Thank you LifeForce Family Chiropractic and God bless you. Five years ago I woke up with tremendous pain (couldn’t tell if it was in all the joints or in all my muscles) and extremely cold and tired. My only relief I would have to find a doctor to diagnose and treat this. The first doctor kept taking blood samples and didn’t know what it was. At another clinic I was given a 14-day supply of steroids starting small grams and going up. After the 14 days, there was no change in pain. Another doctor in the same clinic prescribed Flonase. I was now resigned to believe this is old age and this is how it’s going to be. Two weeks later I went to the ER, thinking I was having a heart attack. It happened again, this time I stayed overnight in the hospital. Nothing—no heart attack, no diagnosis. I had to get to the bottom of this, called the U of M, made an appointment, soon was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica and was prescribed Prednisone for the inflammation and was hopeful it might go away after a year and a half. Finally, doctors don’t know why people get this and no cure. Acquaintances would tell me how bad Prednisone is, and how it depletes your bones and is toxic to the body. I looked Prednisone up on the computer and they were right. I weaned myself off the Prednisone and took Advil—still not a good choice. I went to a chiropractor—still had to take Advil after 10 months I stopped going. I started a new job and thought I had to learn to live with this Polymyalgia Rheumatica. At work I met Mrs. Lofton and I made an appointment for my granddaughter, Kris. My daughter said Dr. Lofton can help me. After a few adjustments, the pain went, and my body can start to heal itself. I’m now taking no medications, no painkillers. My body continues to heal itself with prayer, LifeForce Family Chiropractic and good nutrition, water and clean air. Now I can carry out my goals I had five years ago—even at 64. Diane F. 12/14/09 |
I have had back problems since 2002 and neck problems since 1991. My neck problems are up so high in the neck that no one wanted to treat my neck, so I have been living with constant headache and stiffness (unable to move my neck from side to side without problems.) My husband would have to message my neck at night so I could sleep. As for the treatments here, what can I say—they saved my life. After the first treatment my headaches were gone and the stiffness has greatly decreased. My low back pain was to the point that I had trouble putting on shoes and socks--most days I would need help. Thanks to LifeForce Family Chiropractic I am able to do this daily function on my own. Thanks Dr. Lofton Debra C. 11/25/09 |
The reason I stopped at the LifeForce Family Chiropractic booth at Sonshine 2010 was that my neck was killing me! Scoliosis had been diagnosed some 20(plus) year earlier, and an X-ray eleven years prior was visible proof of my condition. From time to time, I would go through periods when my neck or lower back would cause considerable pain. During Sonshine, my neck hurt enough to find out what LifeForce was all about. I scheduled my tests, and then follow-up visit. It was frightening to see how the scoliosis had progressed. During my first adjustment visit, Dr. Lofton prayed over me and asked God to allow him to be a vessel of His healing power! Immediately after getting off the table, I felt a strange and scary sensation in by jaw bone. I had not mentioned at our prior meetings that my jaw constantly clicked when I chewed, and I feared TMJ. The clicking was completely gone on both sides after ONE visit. And I can turn my neck to the right further than I have for years—and without pain! I’m looking forward to seeing how God will continue to heal me through LifeForce Family Chiropractic! (I have already shared my results with a number of friends and family who have a variety of issues!) Dawn H. 8/5/10 |
When I started treatment at LifeForce Family Chiropractic, my x-rays showed kyphosis (hunch back) at 47 degrees , and forward head posture at 40 degrees. After two years under treatment and care, I am happy to say that my posture is much better! I am no longer taking any medications and my kyphosis is down to 30 degrees ! (Normal is 25) David S. 01/12/11 |
I have had a reduction in blood pressure, and a toothache that went away after one treatment. My lower back pain has lessened and stiffness in the neck is less also. Range of motion is increased in the back and neck. God has started healing in me together with Dr. Lofton, miracles can happen. Soon I hope God will heal my tinnitus. Daryl C. 11/25/09 |
I came in for a regular adjustment one night when I was really under the weather . Dr. Lofton adjusted my neck by hand and within a few minutes I could feel all the pressure and achiness in my body was released . The next day I felt 100% better! Thank you! Danielle H. 12/17/07 |
I wanted to thank you for the adjustment and showing me the results of TRT and God’s grace. Like I said, I have been adjusted since the age of six and for you to be the first to identify and clear the clonus shows how specific TRT is . I know we talked about coming out there and shadowing you, but I wanted to make sure that was still possible. If so, we will just have to work out a time with your schedule and our class schedule. It is inspirational to see a doc be as successful as you and accredit it all to the Lord . Thanks again, Daniel K. |
I was diagnosed with Mono shortly after Thanksgiving. I missed the last two weeks of my college semester, including final exams! At the same time, I also had a sinus infection – but by the grace of God, and two weekly adjustments, I feel better than ever! My doctor said I would have symptoms for almost two months, but with Dr. Lofton and God watching over me, my illness was cut down to three short weeks. I think that I would still be sick if I had not come in and gotten adjusted. Dan W. 12/16/10 |
I am thankful for Dr. Lofton and natural products. For his chiropractic care and the word of God and his blessing in the Holy Bible and miracles and his Holy Spirit. I have victory in healing! Dale K. 11/14/07 |
My whole family’s lives have been transformed through seeing the Doctors at LifeForce Family Chiropractic. My wife no longer suffers with pain, inability to turn her neck, menstrual problems, and inability to sleep. When we thought we needed a new bed, we are blessed to say that God lead us to LFFC where they got to the cause of the problem. Our Son has suffered from Chronic Migraines that prevented him from even going to work and I can say they are completely gone. I myself, was unable to raise my left arm and had pain in the shoulder and all the way down the arm along with left knee pain. All the pain that I had is not only gone, but I feel so much healthier, especially since Dr. Lofton and his staff was able to help me stop smoking in 3 days after being addicted to nicotine for 46 years. Dale H. 12/2/2010 |
I have shared my thyroid problems. In May of 2008, my TSH levels were 33.44 (overt hypothyroidism). I had been on synthroid for one year and had so many side effects, I was hardly able to function normally . Under three months later, with all natural changes and supplements , it was 23.04 (still high, but 31% improvement). Today, I got the results from the latest blood work—TSH levels are 11.41 (again, still high-normal is .4 to 4.5). In just under a year with consistent chiropractic and natural supplements I have seen a nearly 66% improvement! Connie A. 04/09/09 |
I have had numerous accidents which has affected my body. I have had high blood pressure and blood sugar levels. When wakening every morning, my body inside would be quaking and shaking. Also, my thinking has been clouded. After my first adjustment (Wednesday 10-10) a friend came over on Thursday 10/11 and asked what happened to me. She said I was “clear”. Also, it was the first time in years I had a good night sleep and woke up clear and without pain. I had a box still sitting in by living room for 6 months I had not unpacked since I moved. Finally I had the energy to do so. Went to work yesterday and sat for 8 hours at my desk without any pain. Thank you, Jesus. I give all the glory to God! Clarissa G. 12/12/08 |
Since I began Torque Release at LifeForce Family Chiropractic, I have been able to sleep restfully. I have more energy and endurance to go all day long without exhaustion. It is easier to fall asleep and to wake up. I have experienced less muscle cramping in my back, when I turn over and reach for objects. My back is flatter and I can feel when my hips are aligned when I stand. I feel better and happier when my body is able to move without pain and stiffness! Thank you! Cheryl G. 3/27/09 |
After 21-plus years of smoking, I was able to quit with the help provided by LifeForce Family Chiropractic. Dr. Lofton provided me with a “spray and scent” air freshener that helped curb my nicotine cravings. Regular chiropractic adjustment certainly helped me quit too. Chad T. 11/16/09 |
I tripped, didn't fall, just tripped. The next morning I literally could not move my neck. I needed help sitting up out of bed and could not drive because of the restriction amount of pain for three days. I was adjusted by Dr. Wade and was feeling better within the week. I gradually gained back my motion and neck strength. I was absolutely miserable. Praise God! Cassy W. 11/3/08 |
I have seen a lot of improvements in my overall wellbeing since I started working with LifeForce Family Chiropractic. Prior to care, I had a lot of sport injury wear and tear on my neck and lower back, and horrible allergies and sinus issues. On top of that, I found out I was pregnant about three weeks into my treatment. So much interference was removed , relieving me of the majority of my pains and sinus problems which allowed me to have a healthy and easy pregnancy . Our daughter Allie has now been getting adjusted every week since she was six days old . People always rave about how alert and healthy she is. She has been sleeping through the night since she was six weeks old. The care she has been getting here has played a role in her continued health and I am so grateful for everything that has been done for my husband, my daughter and for me. Thank you!! Carrie O 10/23/10 |
This is the confirmation and wisdom I've been seeking. I know that I know that I know that He's lead me to LifeForce Family Chiropractic and its a retracing of life to become whole! So I can finish the race He's put before me you see. He's called me to teach and heal His people, and this I am and will continue to so in complete health! And my hips have already started moving to the it. Praise God! God Bless, Carrie M 6/21/2011 |
Brianna has had her first treatment in what will be a very long road. She has done amazingly well, sleeping all night, full of smiles & giggles & no seizures for an entire day. We are feeling really hopeful for her future visits. Lynn W. (Brianna W. mom) 3/14/12 |
Since I started coming to LifeForce Family Chiropractic, my blood pressure has dropped. I have eliminated one of the medications and cut the other in half; and still have great blood pressure reading. I also have high cholesterol and I do not take Lipitor any longer. With the help of Dr. Wade through nutrition we are controlling my cholesterol numbers. I have also without any diet program lost 35 pounds in the last 2 years. I do believe this has all been accomplished through the help of LifeForce Family Chiropractic. Brian T. 1/31/08 |
I am so thankful for the ministry of the doctors and staff at LifeForce Family Chiropractic. In my short time of treatment, my health and overall wellness have significantly improved in these four months. In addition to improved general wellness, I have experienced overall improvement in some specific areas. After suffering from migraines for over ten years, I have experienced great relief. I’ve gone from taking 15-20 ibuprofen per week to deal with headaches/migraines to three months free from OTC drugs of any kind. I have also noticed tremendous increase in nerve sensation in my feet, which had been greatly reduced after an injury 9 years ago. For the first time in 9 years, I was recently able to run and play with kids at the park without feeling unsteady on my feet. My increased wellness has also greatly aided my ability to lose weight. I praise the Lord for the healing He has done in my body through the care of healing He has done in my body through the care of the doctors at LifeForce Family Chiropractic! Brenda J 3/21/11 |
I began care in November of 2010 with complaints of horrible headaches which would last for days at a time. I would take anywhere between 6 to 20 Exedrin or ibuprofen every day just to help them go away. About 50% of the time it would work; until one day I had a headache which caused me so much pain that I almost went to the ER to try and get some relief. It was after that that I decided to call LFFC and schedule an appointment. I thought “what do I have to lose?” After only one month I was down to taking less than 2 pain meds a week. I was so happy, I finally had some relief. Now after seeing the chiropractor for almost 8 months I can happily and very excitedly say I have improved. I went from 66 degrees down to a 54-degree curvature in my back which is an awesome feeling. I do believe that chiropractic care here at LFFC and God's amazing healing power has brought me to where I am today. Barb C 7/11/2011 |
Before Ava began treatment at LifeForce, she had the following problems: sneezing and runny nose. She would sneeze at least 40 to 50 times a day. It wouldn’t matter what season we were in, or where we were at. I always had a large supply of Kleenexes wherever we went. I would say within one week of treatments, she maybe sneezed a couple of times a week and I cannot remember the last time I wiped her nose. She also had some constipation issues, where she would go once every few days and it would be painful. She now goes at least twice a day. Ava is also sleeping better. She was previously getting up at night at least 2-4 times. She now only wakes up maybe once or twice a week in the middle of the night. I have also noticed she is concentrating better in general. Jenny T. (for Ava T.) 6/23/09 |
God has blessed me with an active and healthy body. At age 57 I am still able to play softball with 2 of my sons (who are in their mid-20's); swim ½ mile in the mornings before work; and my job is handling and delivering furniture. I have been seeing manual adjustment chiropractors off and on since the 1970's; which helped ease the particular pain I was experiencing at the time. With age, I was getting more and more aches and pains, the worst of which was a stiffness in my neck, especially while driving. This is the main reason I visited LifeForce. Since receiving my neurological adjustments at LifeForce, my body has made some wonderful improvements, beginning with my neck no longer stiff while driving. Rick S. 4/19/2011 |
I have suffered from severe back pain and neck pain since 1993 after a car accident. I had seen a traditional chiropractor since then with results of more pain every year. Since 2005 I started having many other health problems, including a thyroid disorder and gluten intolerance. I felt horrible all the time. In 2009 I started coming to LifeForce and within 4 months I was almost completely pain-free! It was amazing. When I've suffered from migraines for days before coming in here for my adjustment I would feel 100% better after Dr. Wade laid hands on me and blessed me with a great adjustment. I am so thankful for my incredible healing and now the rest of my family comes in to put life back into their bodies too! God is so good!! Anne C. 6/29/2011 |
I had seen chiropractors for about 7 years now. I had a gymnastics injury in my lower back. Then being pregnant with my daughters & nursing & carrying them, I developed neck, shoulder, & upper-midback pain & burning. Traditional chiropractic relieved some tension for a short while, but never corrected the deep issues or any pain. I couldn't sleep well because I couldn't get comfortable from my neck pain. I couldn't move my neck in the morning for a couple hours it was so stiff. I couldn't sit up straight without my upper & mid-back burning. I found out about LifeForce at Sonshine this past July. I came in for my testing & results in the beginning of August. My neck has only a 6-degree curve. I am 2 degrees away from scoliosis. Not a good thing for a 26-year-old girl! So I was very excited to learn about neurological-based chiropractic. This was the first time I've ever been told my conditions can be HEALED, not just “treated,” hoping to relieve discomfort. I've been adjusted about 5 times. After my 1 st adjustment, I had no pain in my neck and I slept awesome! Now I have no burning in my upper & mid-back. I've been telling everyone they NEED to get here!! I am very thankful the Lord brought me to LifeForce! I am looking forward to being completely well. Amber A. 8/25/2011 |
When I started going to LifeForce, I was in bad shape. Four years prior to going to LifeForce, I was hit by a Ford Explorer from behind while I was walking. I had seen a wide range of doctors, therapist, and the like. They had determined that the symptoms I was still having after 4 years of treatment would either be permanent or would go away after a long usage of prescriptions, including, but not kept to Lyrica. The symptoms that doctors and therapists could not figure out were my balance issues, migraines, tingling in my hands circulation problems and more while all this was going on I had a baby which added to my array of body issues. After all the treatment, prescriptions, and having a baby, I was still taking a large amount of over-the-counter drugs for pain and migraine headaches. When LifeForce came into my life, I wasn’t sure it they could help, but I needed to try something different. So, open-mindly, I started going and within the first few months, things began changing drastically. All of the drugs, prescriptions and over-the-counter, were either cut out completely or usage is far and between. I am slowly, but definitely, getting my body and life back. LifeForce made a difference when others couldn’t Allie J. 7/25/11 |
Since moving to MN in 1995 I would lose my voice for a week every year due to allergies. More recently I started having trouble losing weight and was experiencing the beginning symptoms of menopause. I came to LFFC specifically to get my hormones corrected so I would not have to suffer like most women. I started seeing Dr. Lofton in February. This is the first year, since 1995, that I experienced absolutely NO allergy symptoms. This year was really bad for allergy sufferers-- but not for me. Since seeing Dr. Lofton I no longer have any menopausal symptoms. The hot flashes, mood swings, loss of memory and the aches and pains are completely gone. I am truly thankful first to God for giving such a gift to Dr. Lofton and then to Dr. Lofton for allowing God to work through him. P.S. I was also privileged to participate in Dr. Lofton's diet study and have lost 20 lbs. Maxine M. 5/21/2012 |
We are so thankful for everything LifeForce Family Chiropractic has done for me and my family. I used to have migraine headaches so bad that I would cry and couldn't function as a mom or wife. I have only been under corrective care for less than 1 month and have had almost 100% correction symptomatically. My mother, brother, sister, and husband all come in also and in 1 adjustment have received huge healing and positive changes. We look forward to getting our kids checked for nerve interference and keeping them healthy. We are so happy with the process of Dr. Lofton getting to the cause of all of our health problems, and how he has been so caring with all of our family members. I personally feel peace every time I enter the clinic and I feel so happy after my adjustments. Dr. Lofton says it is the presence of the Holy Spirit and I think I agree. I am also able to run without pain, to sleep normally, and my husband says that he doesn't understand it, but thinks it is AMAZING!!! Martha G.R. 5/22/2012 |
Starting June 18 th I got out of bed and could barely move due to excruciating back pain. I couldn't even lift my legs to get dressed. Had a hard time going down stairs and getting into the truck to get to the chiropractor. Any slight or sharp movement I would have a sharp pain in my back. Went to see Dr. Lofton and he adjusted me, told me to come back on Wednesday and was adjusted again. By Thursday I had more mobility and was able to do more daily activities. Then went again the following Monday (week later) and was adjusted again and had most of all my mobility with a lot less pain. Dr. Lofton also told me to take fish oil tablets to relieve swelling and that has continued to assist with my recovery. Jonathan B. 6/30/2012 |
When I first came to Lifeforce, I started noticing the absence of symptoms I was so accustomed to that I hardly noticed anymore! Not being able to look over my left shoulder, occasional pain shooting up my neck & shoulders when I sat. On my first re-X-ray, my neck and upper back were significantly improved. Recently, I decided to start Dr. Lofton's weight-loss program. Within a few days, I was able to go from taking 4 ibuprofen twice a day for pain, to very little pain related to my weight-induced condition without any medication. During the first week, I lost 12.6 pounds! Joanney U. 10-03-2012 |
Since May of 2010, four of us have been seen by LFFC. Hannah, age 13, was diagnosed with scoliosis of a substantial 14-degree curvature but now is at 5 degrees and no scoliosis. Her neck curve was 11 degrees and now is 23 degrees, with normal neck curve being 45 degrees. Joe started out with a14-degree curve and now his curve is 49 degrees. My curve went from 7 degrees to 30 degrees. I also had a swayback and a hunchback that is gone. Jenni K. 8/17/2012 |
About 2 years ago I got diagnosed with tremors, but there is a puzzle to my story. I only have tremors on the right side of my body. I saw one neurologist who threw a prescription at me which was propranolol 10 mg. We, my mom & I, wanted more questions answered. I got into a physicians' group to see the neurologist there, to see if he could get to the problem. There was a whole exam done with a blood & urine test also. The doctor was puzzled because no one on either side of my family has tremors or Parkinson's. The only conclusion the doctor had was that I have tremors and we don't know if it will turn into Parkinson's down the road. My medication dosage went from 10 mg to 60 mg every day. Also, I got told by that doctor's nurse that “it's all in your head.” My mom and I were very disappointed and stopped going to this physicians' group. After all these doctor's appointments, a friend brought our attention to LifeForce which has changed my life. I started in October and now am free of my propranolol. I have failed to mention that I am 23 years old. Jeni L. 5/20/2012 |
Going back 7 years ago I was at Hyland Ski hill snowboarding and having a blast hitting the big jumps with my friends. On one particular run I was nearing their 100 th kicker jump and just as I was about to fly, my edge caused me to lose speed. Because of the loss in speed I didn't make the landing and instead landed on flat ground on my feet from 20 feet up in the air. This caused instant pain at a high level. At 15 years of age I knew what real back pain was like. It made sense what the “old” people meant when they said “wait until you get older.” So in an attempt to fix this pain I went to a chiropractor (a “bone snapper”) for the next 7 years without any solid results. The pain would always seem to find its way back into my lower back. After 7 years and much prayer, I met Dr. Lofton at a Christian concert in Minneapolis as they were promoting a CD release of one of their clients. After talking with them and hearing how they differed I thought “why not see if this is real, nothing else has helped.” After 2 weeks of treatment of my nervous system the pain was gone, yes gone! An answer to prayer! To those who doubt: Don't bash it until you've tried it, it works! Jake B. 5/13/2012 |
I had inflammation in my right elbow and arm, it had caused swelling in my forearm and hand with a lot of pain. I was icing once per hour with no relief and on ibuprofen for pain. Dr. Lofton was on vacation so I couldn't get my nervous system adjusted. I had 1 adjustment with the coverage doctor and had significant relief. On the weekend I had over-indulged in sweets at a grad party and my right arm swelled above the elbow. After Dr. Lofton adjusted and modified my diet there was dramatic positive change. George K. 6/21/2012 |
Last Tuesday I exercised and strained my hip, then started having extreme pain in my left side. By Friday it was so bad I called the doctor. Without seeing me, he told me I had hip bursitis and should come in Monday for a cortisone shot. Instead, I came here to be analyzed. I did ice it and took Aleve until I could come in. After being adjusted Monday, I had slight pain and after today's adjustment, the pain is gone! Barbara P. 8/24/2011 |
I went to my (medical) doctor and he was very surprised to find that my blood sugars were very close to normal without the insulin that I have been taking at each meal. I have been able to go from 15 units at meal time to 0 (zero). This has been going on for 3 weeks. I have not changed diet or made any other changes. I still need to take night time insulin, but I am confident that chiropractic and God will eliminate it all together. Thank you, God!! Al H. 4/11/12 |
I used to have asthma, knee and shoulder problems, back and neck pain all the time. I was sick a lot and it seemed almost all the time. I had surgery on my knee, but it was still hurting all the time. I scuffed up my rotator cuff throwing for baseball. Since getting chiropractic care regularly I no longer have asthma, which they said I would have for the rest of my life! I don’t become sick all the time, I actually haven’t been sick in a very long time. My back and neck pain is only when I sit or stand with the wrong posture. My knee has limited pain that rarely ever hurts. My shoulder has less pain now than it did before. My life has improved greatly since coming here!! Thank you! Aaron C. 7/16/08
I started coming to LifeForce Family Chiropractic about 3 months ago for the curvature I have in my spine. It was very stiff with a very limited range of motion. And a result of this, I also was experiencing chronic pain and limited range of motion in my neck. I recently realized how much more flexible I’ve become in my back. My neck pain has lessened by about 90 percent and I can turn my head much easier. It has been a great experience coming to LFFC as everyone is committed to healing to your highest potential. The office is a very friendly and welcoming place. Thank you. Betsy T. 5/20/2010 |
"I checked my blood glucose level before the adjustment and Auriculotherapy and it was 107. I had the adjustment and therapy and my blood sugar had dropped to 69...Praise the Lord!" Cathy V |
I am about ¼ of the way through my treatment plan. I have to say that before I was given the opportunity to be a patient here. We believed that the day I would wake up in the morning with no pain, I would be in heaven. Seriously, I woke up every day suffering in my low back, neck, knees, joints in general. I also suffered from depression . I was skeptical, but with what I have learned here about my problems as well as the treatments, my symptoms have actually lessened . Though I still wake up and cannot move, these moments are becoming fewer. I don’t wake up every day pain free, but any day without pain is a real gift! I no longer take either of my medications . I try to keep my positive attitude and, with my faith, I feel that the end result is going to be great! I am grateful that I was lead here . I look forward to my continuous care by a staff of caring, faithful – and I should be so bold as to add LOVING staff who really care! Thanks! Antonette D 06/3/10 |
No longer have chronic pain in my mid back! Having Dr. Lofton say, “I can help you,“ and then actually getting that help gives me great hope . I don’t feel alone in the healing process, God meets me at every turn and in every prayer. He is my healer . The trip to LifeForce Family Chiropractic is 78 miles one way , so it feels a bit like a part-time job. The “paycheck” is a happier, healthier body, soul and spirit . Thank you LifeForce staff for your compassion , sensitivity and obedience to Jesus. Julene T 5-24-10 |
I have noticed this past week that I am not as hungry . I eat food for life and health and in response to hunger signals. I get full on half the amount I used to eat. I no longer crave coffee , peanut butter and ice cream. I used to require those foods daily and would panic when I ran out of them, and had to quickly restock. I haven’t gone through the “addiction protocol” therapy, but have had the Torque Release . I wasn’t expecting to be delivered from food addiction , but am so thankful for the release from the bondage of having every event and every day overlaid with concerns of breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, and constantly being concerned about what I will be eating next and when. Thank you so much for giving me freedom! God provides me with food and I never lack or go hungry – the fear and bondage is gone. Linda G 10/20/10 |
I would just like to say thank-you to the dedicated team of LifeForce Family Chiropractic and the members, for affectionate birthday wishes. I am truly grateful and am comforted to know that there is such an outstanding health care professional nearby. What a special place! Dr. Lofton, thank you for all the loving care you gave to me in the past and hope for the same in the future. Thank you to each and every one of you for the wonderful work you do. God Bless. Zaheer S. 3/31/11 |